A Timely Reminder…

As Saturn continues on his retrograde journey through Libra, his influence is creating quite a powerful catalyst in our lives. I wrote this a little while ago, but a little reminder is called for!

‘Saturn is probably best known for being a hard task master and the traditionalist. He shows us that hard work, focus, dedication and duty can pay off, and through all of these, we can reap the rewards for what we have sown. It is the satisfaction of knowing that it was our own effort, sweat and toil that paid off as Saturn wants us to truly appreciate our own achievements.

Abundance and success handed to us on a silver platter is easy come, easy go – we might enjoy the lifestyle for a while, but deep down there is an emptiness; a sense that we did nothing to earn that success. And this is at the root of Retrograde Saturn; forging our own way through life and creating our own success.

This doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom though, for in essence Saturn is asking that each of us be the masters of our own destiny. He is looking for us to take back the power in our lives, and to have the courage of our convictions.

Taking responsibility for these actions and choices is also very Saturnian, and for so many of us, taking such responsibility is very hard. But until we truly own our choices… we can never be truly empowered’.

So, over the coming weeks Saturn will continue to be that little voice inside our heads pushing us forwards, making us focus on what’s truly important and giving us the determination to see things through to the end. We need to continue to assess inner landscapes and begin to truly understand what motivates us.

Of course, alongside this is the need to have a positive inner dialogue – how many of us speak to ourselves negatively, berate ourselves for not being good enough or constantly put ourselves down? So, time to think positively, to be positive and to take control.

‘As a perfectionist, Saturn can push each of us to do more or to do ‘better’ in life. We can feel as though we are never quite good enough. This needs to stop now as we realise that we are good enough, and whilst the quest for betterment is innately human, we should stop using this as a tool to beat ourselves up and put ourselves under immense pressure.

We need to find a balance between the need to expand our horizons and the need to accept ourselves just as we are. This comes down to our perceptions and once again to our motivations. If our motivation is to further expand ourselves then this is empowering and life affirming, but if the motivation comes through a fear of not being good enough, then we need to challenge that belief and wash that fear away.

To judge and self-judge is also innately human, but judgement serves no real purpose other than to weigh someone up against another’s standards. Acceptance and self-acceptance are what’s needed now, this does not mean giving up and giving in, but it does mean that we need to begin being much kinder to ourselves and one another.

As our lives begin to surge ahead over the coming weeks, we can work with Saturn to understand our true nature so that we can make the most of this time of renewed focus and high energy. It is now a great time to find the quiet within in order to focus on our true goals and priorities in life…’

It seems clear that Saturn, along with several other cosmic forces, are really creating an energetic mixing pot now. We need to learn to love, forgive and accept ourselves as we are, and to stop focusing solely on the end goal – we need to enjoy the journey! If we are not enjoying the journey, then maybe it’s time to change the goal!