Message for 2024 I’ve spent many hours fidgeting, contemplating, and digging deep trying to find the right words to share. It was by chance, that I stumbled across the following words I wrote many years ago and they felt so apt, I felt compelled to share them. Although this was a spiritual adventure that I went on ten years ago, reading the words took me right back there, making me realise how easy it is to become lost in the chatter and struggle of life, and yet, the real magic is still within me…and you. A Spiritual Quest into The
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2023 Yearly Forecast
Message for 2023 When we celebrate the journey from one year to the next, there is always a palpable aura of pause and reflection as we catch our breaths from the ups and downs of the year we have experienced whilst contemplating the year ahead of us. The turning of the wheel of the year is a bit like the brief flicker of a moment between the in-breath and the out-breath, that point where we are doing neither one nor the other. Although brief, it’s an opportunity to take stock and re-centre. It’s human nature to reflect as we each
More ...2022 Yearly Forecast
Message for 2022 At the beginning of my forecast for 2021, I wrote about an experience where I found myself looking out of the window to see the rain falling through the sunlight. Unusually, when I looked out of the other window in the room, there was no rain. In this somewhat surreal moment, I felt in between worlds, on the edge of a cloud; neither here nor there. It seemed apt to use this experience once again as, for the most part, I have spent most of 2021 feeling as though I’ve been spiralling in between worlds, trying to
More ...2021 Yearly Forecast
Message for 2021 Have you ever had a moment of surreal wonderment? A moment when time seemed to pause, allowing peace to rise up and embrace the soul? Whilst writing these forecasts, I found myself looking out of the window to see the rain falling as the sun shone brightly. In itself, not that unusual, but it became surreal when I looked out of the other window in the same room to see no rain! It was as though I was in-between worlds, on the edge of a cloud, and, in that moment, I was neither here nor there. Such
More ...2020 Yearly Forecast
Message for 2020 As a new decade begins, it’s important to pause for a moment to look back at the decade we’ve just experienced. For a great many souls, this past decade has been one of the most transformative and enlightening ever, but for a great many more it has also been one of the most challenging. Whilst it could be that suffering and struggle are on the pathway towards enlightenment and self-awareness, the intensity and pain felt so deeply by so many has been (and still is for some) exquisitely intense and profoundly transformative. We are always evolving, changing
More ...2019 Yearly Forecast
Message for 2019 As we step from one year into another, it seems wise to take at least a few moments to ponder the paths we’ve walked, the path we’re walking and the paths spanning out into the distance. It’s easy to look back at the ‘bigger picture’ of the year, to those experiences that have shaped and flavoured everything else, as it’s usually only a small – and often incongruent – selection of experiences that come together to define the essence of our lives. We have one or two pivotal moments that create a defining and overarching theme. It’s
More ...2018 Yearly Forecast
Message for 2018 I think a great many of us will be relieved to see the end of 2017; it was a year of stormy extremes, both within and in the world around us. It was as though the very fabric of our being was being ripped up in order to be re-shaped and re-defined. There were times of profoundly difficult emotions, yet there were also moments of great joy as well. It’s often easy to see all the challenges as they shine out like beacons in the seemingly linear landscapes of the journey of our lives, yet, there is
More ...2017 Yearly Forecast
Message for 2017 Have you ever sat and watched a pebble drop into a pond and counted the ripples as they reach out into the water? Have you wondered where those ripples end up? Have you ever contemplated the idea that every thought, action, inaction, choice or decision is a pebble and, as a result, we are continually creating ripples in the fabric of space and time? Yet, do the ripples ever leave the pond? Do they really reach that deeply into life or is this just a romantic metaphor trying to inspire us to be more accountable for the
More ...2016 Yearly Forecast
Message for 2016 It’s hard to look ahead to the coming year without looking back over the previous twelve months as this gives us a reference point and a sense of context. 2015 has unquestionably been a challenging and difficult year for a great many souls as we have felt wave after wave crashing in on the shoreline of our souls. There have been moments of isolation, moments of revelation, moments of despondency and moments of joy. There have been a great many more other moments as well, each one giving us a unique experience and perspective. Although I rarely
More ...2015 Yearly Forecast
Message for 2015 The shift from one year to the next is something we should be used to, after all, it has happened every single year each of us has been alive, and for many, many years prior to that. And yet, there is a sense that few of us have ever really paused in the brief moment in-between the end of one year and the beginning of the next in order to sense the bigger picture both within, and around, us. Few ever notice the brief pause or the silence; it is as though life itself takes a moment
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