Today, the 5th November, Chiron moves direct. Over the past few months Chiron has been locked in an intense and profound cosmic dance with Neptune (moving direct on the 7th). This powerful combination of energies has proved deeply challenging for so many of us.
Each of us has been on something of a spiritual revolution over the summer. We have seen the need to go within in order to find our own personal and unique spiritual path. At the same time, we have been guided to develop our own connection to the Divine; a connection that both nourishes and nurtures us, and one that allows us to develop our own understanding of holistic spirituality.
This is a time to find our own paths, and it is a powerful time to embrace the uniqueness of our paths and to ‘go it alone’. This does not mean that we cannot travel with others along the way, but it does suggest a time to stop being spoon fed spirituality and to start taking our own lead.
Chiron has been intense and difficult this past few months. The main reason is his knack of bringing up to the surface those deep memories which carry pain or trauma. He does not do this for fun, but he asks that we find strength from this pain, to let go of the suffering and to transmute it into compassion and love. This compassion enables true healing, and inspires each of us to help others, animals, plants, trees, the earth, spirits etc etc.
On moving direct, the need to facilitate healing looks set to become stronger and stronger as our compassion gains momentum. We are facing a challenging time globally, but the more we can transmute the suffering into love, the more we can affect the collective consciousness and turn the world towards harmony, unity and peace.
On a personal level, Chiron wants each of us to honour the challenges and pain we have faced, and to finally set ourselves free from the chains that this has bound us with. This is not about forgetting, it is not even really about forgiving, but it is about not allowing the pain and trauma to distort our present and future to the extent that we cannot breathe freely. It is time to stop giving the pain power, and to take it back for ourselves. We can use it for so much good.
Chiron should not simply be about pain, suffering and being a victim; for Chiron is strength, power and compassion. Each of us has a choice between these now…