Message for July 2023
The complexity of being human has always been a deep source of intrigue and bewilderment for many. The closer we look at the way in which we live and interact, the more confusion arises as intuitively so little of it actually makes any sense. We know that unity brings harmony, but the fractures we can see are deep and far reaching. We know that love and compassion feed and nourish our souls and yet we see so much hate and judgement. Some of this hate is driven by fear or doctrine, but a great deal is driven by a tendency to ‘go with the flow’ rather than question and find a deeper truth.
When we pause to look at the bigger picture of life, it would be easy to feel that the spiral of negativity is growing like an unstoppable, anaerobic force; a power in itself that’s out of our control. And yet, if we lose ourselves in this, we lose sight of everything else, including the more warming and affirming aspects of life. Whilst there are times when we have to look very hard to see the positives, they are all around us, often overlooked as life is too busy to pause and acknowledge the things that are going well or going right. Noticing the sun as it sets or the waves gently lap the shore, listening to a bird in song or using some loving self-talk when times are tough, are all signs of a more positive ray of light that continues to shine.
It’s easy to see the skies as stormy and dark, and there’s no denying that we’ve all been through some challenging and difficult times, and yet, unless we are each willing to cultivate love, compassion, and joy, how can we have the opportunity to thrive? Cultivating these isn’t about ignoring the negatives or the challenges, it’s about choosing to live life fully anyway. If we wait for a better moment, that moment might never come. Additionally, if we try to wait until we’ve ‘fixed’ the negatives then this could be a long wait as there will always be challenges and heartache, as they are a part of life.
Each and every one of us has the capacity for love and for kindness, and as the ebb and flow of the tides of life continue to lap the shorelines of our souls, there is a growing sense of awareness of the shifting landscape carved out by the currents and the winds of time. Of course, geological change can take millennia, but the changes we are all currently experiencing are fast-paced and often hard to discern from the rest of the busy-ness of life. It seems important to pause in order to notice this change more now as it not only allows us to make more sense of the present, it also helps us to see just how far we’ve actually travelled. Every change we are feeling now is the result of years and decades of work, not just a snippet in time.
Although we can often feel as though we are travelling through life like driftwood, being carried along by the collective currents, it’s important to acknowledge the roles we each play in our own evolution. Drifting with the currents is a valid life choice, but there are times when we need to be sure we are consciously aware of this. Of course, in many ways we have no power or control when it comes to choosing the shape or definition of our lives, but it’s important to realise that our perspective and beliefs flavour our experiences. We don’t need to try to control the uncontrollable, we simply need to live life more consciously in order to experience less resistance on all levels of our being.
This obviously doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t stand up for our belief or that we need not strive to achieve our goals, this is more about a willingness to listen to the currents and to consciously ride with them rather than against them; to feel more like a captain at the helm of the ship rather than a piece of driftwood.
Opening up our hearts and souls to the love and compassion that’s both around and within us, enables us to awaken from the day-to-day autopilot of life in order to re-connect and re-engage more wholeheartedly. Every moment of every day we make choices (choices to act, choices not to act, choices not to make choices and so on), and the more we can embrace each and every moment, the more we can start to see life as an opportunity to experience as much as possible rather than a long list of reasons ‘not to’. The more awakened and connected we each become, the more we need to be accountable for our choices and to acknowledge the fact that every choice (even a decision not to make a choice) has consequences. This isn’t about blame, it’s about being fully present in the here and now, rather than sleepwalking and following the flock as we try to get through each day without lifting up our heads to the bigger picture and possibilities of life.
Admittedly, life doesn’t always offer us the luxury of choice, and there are times when we need to think outside of the box in order to find a path to follow, but whatever life brings us or throws at us, our souls are always free. We might choose to box up our gifts or hide away our true essence, and sometimes we need to do this to survive, but the light at the core of each and every one of us shines brightly. Others may try to denigrate, hate, bully or deny, but the light still burns within. Even when we feel lost and alone during the long dark nights of the soul, that light still burns within.
July looks set to be a month to re-kindle the flame within in order to choose a more conscious way of living and being. It’s time to open up our eyes, ears, energy, and hearts to the light within as we appreciate the magic of life. When we pause and take a deep breath, we start to notice all of the other souls lighting up from within, illuminating a new path to joy. It’s time to let the universal orchestra create a new melody, one filled with love, compassion, hope, and possibility. Once again, it’s time to let love be love…
For now, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.
With love,
You have worked so hard over recent months trying to re-shape and re-define your life in order to create a new way of living that isn’t centred around being everything to everyone else. This has been easier said than done, as you have realised that just about everything you do is for, or because of, others. Of course, you are a generous and giving soul, so being everything to everyone feels natural, but the need for you to focus more on your own needs is really important now as you are nearing a pivotal crossroads in life. July looks set to be a month to re-connect to your courage and passion in order to grab hold of living more wholeheartedly as you continue the process of re-shaping your life. As your true priorities surface, you will start to see new ways of supporting others without depleting your own essence in the process. This is a step in a new direction for you, but it’s been a long time coming as you have felt out of kilter for many months, if not longer.
You have never been afraid of taking a chance and stepping towards pastures new, and although this new pasture is very much a reflection of your own needs and dreams, it’s time to trust your intuition to guide you. It’s time to open up the doorways to your soul in order to let a kaleidoscope of colours and energies back in as you contemplate a brand-new way of living and being. Although you are known as a decisive person, there is a sense that you doubt your ability to ‘make the right choice’ as you have spent so long making such choices for others. Now it’s all about you! Don’t try to force this process: pause, take a deep breath, and trust that the answer will come from the stillness and the compassion within your heart and soul…
Going with the flow of life has never been particularly easy for you as you have always been an independent thinker with a unique perspective. Your values and beliefs have rarely conformed to the ‘norm’, and you have often debunked the idea of normal as myth and divisive. This perspective has become more overt recently as you feel perplexed and befuddled at the chaos all around you; you intuitively know that you can’t stop the spin, but going with the flow doesn’t feel quite right either. You therefore feel like you’re somewhere in the middle, but it’s hard to articulate this as it feels nebulous and indefinable as though you have a sense of where you are, but no idea at the same time. As you continue to connect more consciously and more wholeheartedly to your sense of self, you are becoming increasingly finely tuned to your intuition and this is the force that’s guided you through some stormy seas.
Although you are often happier with facts and cold, hard logic, it’s your creativity and your intuition that are your true gifts as they can shift your awareness beyond the four walls of your everyday life and towards a way of living and being that feels more in balance with your true perspective. Even when you feel consumed by the chaos all around you, the more you focus on your inner world and your breathing, the more you will realise that you have the ability to find stillness in even the stormiest of seas. This is a phenomenal gift and it’s wise to embrace this more consciously now as you take some important strides forward over the weeks and months ahead connected to living your life with courage, strength, passion, and inspiration. It’s time to look beyond the boundaries of your life and to know that you have everything you need to live the best life possible…
Your quest to answer the unanswerable questions of being human has been a part of the landscape of your life for as long as you can remember. You have always looked beyond the boundaries of life, seeking out wisdom and understanding, and trying to make sense as to why things are the way they are. There are times when you can lose yourself in this as it somehow feels preferable to be absorbed in the unknowable and unanswerable than it does to be in the pedestrian nature of your everyday life. There’s magic and possibility in the unknown that gives you a stronger sense of purpose in your quest for meaning. Yet, it’s important to realise that you have the gifts to bring this magic into all aspects of your life rather than pigeonholing it into a box with a question mark on the lid. You have realised that there is still so much more to discover and experience, and there’s a risk of becoming lost on the quest to seek out answers unless you step beyond this and into unchartered terrain.
Sometimes, stepping into the unknown, going with the flow, and allowing your intuition to lead the way is far more life-affirming as it takes you beyond your known boundaries and has the power to inspire you to live your best life. Although you are a perfectionist at heart, you are well aware that life becomes richer when you realise the joy and beauty in imperfection. Imperfection isn’t about getting life ‘wrong’, it’s about living your life fully and wholeheartedly, and knowing that reaching for the stars doesn’t come with the condition of perfection, it comes with the willingness to breathe deeply and wholeheartedly. Take a moment to gaze up at the night sky, to watch the dance of infinity around you and within you. Step consciously into this moment and know that you are ready now to let the magic flow…
As you continue to navigate the unchartered waters in life, there is a sense that you are nearing an important opportunity to lower the anchor in order to rest, reflect and take stock. You have spent most of your life keeping on keeping on, trying to live your best life, and trying to be the person you’ve felt you needed to be. Although you have (mostly) ticked along and managed well, there is a sense of a need to stop trying to be what you’re not and instead to be yourself; this feels both exciting and nerve-wracking, as being yourself means acknowledging your gifts and embracing change. You’re not adverse to change, it’s just easier not to have to deal with it! The undercurrents of self-questioning have already brought you a deeper level of wisdom and understanding when it comes to exactly what you want from your life, but there is a sense that knowing what you want and doing something about it are very different. Intuitively you want to instigate change as you want to find new ways to thrive and flourish in the ebb and flow of life.
Every single one of the millions of cells in your being seem ready to embrace a new way of living and being: a more centred and balanced approach to life that places you at the centre of your world, of course this is not in a selfish or narcissistic way, just an acknowledgement that you and your needs matter. You have spent so much of your life trying to be the person you’ve felt you ought to be, but it’s time now to be yourself. There may be some apprehension and uncertainty as you’re not sure what lies ahead, but no one knows that and is uncertainty a valid reason not to live your best life? You are a vibrant, creative, and effervescent soul, and the time has come for you to shine brightly…
As new doorways continue to open on your path ahead, there is a sense that you are continually finding new ways to connect to your inner light more consciously and wholeheartedly. Life feels stuffed full of possibilities and opportunities, and there might even be moments where you’re in quite a spin as so much is happening, but take a deep breath and take your time to listen to your intuition to guide you. July looks set to bring an opportunity for you to slow down and take stock of where you’ve been, where you are and where you’re heading. Sometimes in order to move forward you need to stand still in order to work out where you’re going and why. You evolve with each passing day, so goals that once felt important may no longer call you, so be open to new dreams calling out in your consciousness.
Balance is important as you so readily charge ahead with gusto, but there are times when stillness brings you more insight and perspective. It may feel slightly contrary to your true nature to be still, but intuitively you know it’s time to bring together the different facets of your being into a more unified and cohesive whole. Acknowledge your inner light, let it guide you as you tend it, nourish it and nurture it. It seems that the more centred you become, the busy-ness will start to fade bringing you some clarity and insight as you let your soul expand into new directions in life. As you let your inner light shine brightly, remember to take some time to contemplate your next steps. If you’re not sure where you’re heading, then pause and re-think. If you’re dead set on charging ahead, then do try to take some time to pause to ensure you are truly on the right path. Listen to what your soul is telling you and let it be your inspiration…
July looks set to be a month of insight and inspiration as you start to let go of more aspects of yourself and your path that no longer feel like they are a part of the journey of your life. You have grown and evolved at a rapid pace over recent years, accumulating both insight and wisdom along the way. You have courageously walked towards your own evolution, often deviating from the path in order to help others or to pause for a while in order to step back to see the bigger picture and then regain your focus once again. Along the way you have re-discovered your true priorities and asked some far-reaching questions of yourself and of your motivations in life. As a result, you now seem more intuitively aware than ever before, and this has brought you to the point of contemplating the different facets that come together to make your life whole.
You’ve discovered a peace knowing that, in many ways, you exist beyond the boundaries of ‘normal’ as your consciousness and intuition enable you to think beyond the bigger picture, and your courage and wisdom inspire you to look deeply within your heart and soul for guidance and strength. You have always been open to your depths, but life has often got busy and demanding taking your focus towards everyday matters, but the cost to you with this has been a disconnection from the magical panorama of your soul. It’s all still there, but if you don’t acknowledge it, it slips out of sight. You are a wonderfully gifted and creative being, and the more you connect to your true essence, the more you will realise just how much potential you have. It’s easy to get lost in day-to-day life or in self-criticism, but it’s time to let this go as you open your eyes, heart, and soul towards a brand-new day…
As you continue to navigate the shifting currents of your life, there is a sense that many different pathways are converging and diverging in and out of your consciousness, like threads on a beautiful tapestry. You have been a master weaver your whole life, but it seems you are only now realising the full potential of this gift as you weave your way around the indefinable space between where you were, where you are and where you want to be. You have always been aware of the bigger picture, and intuitively sensed the need to flow with the changing currents, yet it’s been hard for you to wholeheartedly let go and flow freely as your mind needs clarity and answers. It’s a challenge to find wholeness in the incompleteness of life. Yet, is life truly incomplete or is it more a case that you are not at peace within, so life feels out of kilter? Completeness doesn’t come from knowing all the answers, nor does it come from perfection or getting life ‘right’, completeness is a sense of wholeness, an inner knowing of yourself and your gifts, sensing that you are connected and in tune with life.
You crossed the threshold into awakened living many years ago, so living in ‘blissful ignorance’ isn’t an option, but rather than feel dizzy with the shifting currents, why not acknowledge their presence with grace and love? Life, by its very nature, is inherently uncertain, but this can be a gift that brings opportunity and adventure. There are times when your mind becomes overloaded with questions when you’re faced with uncertainty, but take a deep breath and let your intuition lead the way. July looks set to be a month for you to think about your true needs and to find peace within each moment as you start to realise that you are exactly where you need to be…
You have spent a lot of time thinking about the life you’re living and the life you’re not living. In fact, it seems you’ve spent more time thinking about the latter, as it’s a reminder of all the things you haven’t (yet) done. It’s not that you’ve been solely focusing on this because you want to give yourself a hard time or feel bad about yourself, it’s just that you have been actively trying to establish a clearer sense of self and a part of this involves acknowledging the different choices and experiences you’ve had throughout your life. Yet, there is a risk that focusing on the life you’re not living, whilst it gives you contrast, can leave you with a sense of lack that you’re not quite where you want to be. It therefore seems clear that as you continue to explore and discover your inner depths, it’s important not to get lost in too much detail, but to acknowledge that you’re doing your best. Life is always a myriad of different pathways forged by decisions, choices, and actions, but this is what makes you the person you are today. It’s important to realise that you are a vibrant, intuitive, creative soul, and the myriad of experiences you’ve had bring these gifts to life.
So, acknowledge your true priorities and re-connect to your hopes and dreams, as you have spent too long focusing on the needs of others and it’s time for you to shine a light on your own true essence now. Letting go takes strength, and honouring your own needs takes courage, but you have both in abundance so take a deep breath, connect to your inner power, and reach towards a new way of living and being where you spend less time thinking about what you’ve done and what you haven’t, and instead focus on living your best life in each and every moment…
As you continue to seek out ways to live your life more in tune with your true essence, there is a sense that you are beginning to realise that there are many different pathways you could follow as you have so many different hopes and dreams. You are a multi-faceted soul with a plethora of gifts, so living in tune with your true essence seems challenging because you can often feel as though you are scattered in many different directions, all at the same time. In many ways this is true, but do remember that this is your natural state of being: you are continually evolving and shifting, and your consciousness needs the stimulation of multi-layered and multi-directional paths to walk. Whilst this can feel confusing at times, intuitively you know that it’s only by living on the boundaries of your life and continually pushing into new terrain, where you feel fully alive.
It’s easy to confuse this multi-layered awareness with a need to do more, be more, see more and achieve more, but this is a state of being, a state of consciousness that enables you to navigate your life in new directions. There is a sense that you sometimes find this constant movement frustrating and irksome as it’s hard to put down roots or to feel wholeheartedly settled in life when everything is shifting and changing, yet it’s the constant movement that gives your free-spirited nature the room to fire up your imagination and stoke your intuition. You are a vibrant soul, and you seem ready now to acknowledge your multi-faceted nature more willingly allowing it to guide you to living a more connected life. Your gifts and talents need to flow freely as you let go of the self-doubt that has held you back for years; it’s time to truly discover yourself, to be yourself and to love yourself for it…
You have always been one to ‘keep on keeping on’ on your journey through life. You sensed early on, that if you didn’t keep pushing on, then nobody would. Well, this was the belief you formed, and you haven’t really given yourself an opportunity to thoroughly explore it as you’ve been too busy being the rock that other people rely on. You channel your courage and strength towards moving forwards, even when the winds of life appear to be pushing against you. Your determination sees you buttoning up your coat, bowing your head against the winds and forging ahead. This is to be admired, but there is a sense that believing you have no choice but to push on because no one else will needs challenging now. There can be no denying that you are the person everyone depends upon because you are a giving and generous soul, yet there is also a sense that you often feel taken for granted because you willingly give so much of yourself to others.
This is complex to unravel, but it seems time to acknowledge the role you play, as on one hand you feel stuck in this dynamic but on the other hand you are choosing to be in it. Being the person others rely on confirms your strengths to you, but it’s important to realise that you are not solely defined by what you do for others. Keeping on keeping on gets things done, but your heart and soul are yearning for you to connect to your intuition and creativity in order to live a richer and more fulfilling life. Of course, there should be no self-recriminations as your choice to keep on keeping on has achieved so much for so many. It’s time now though to achieve more for yourself as you realise that life isn’t about keeping on keeping on, it’s about living your life as wholeheartedly and as joyfully as possible…
As you continue to find ways to bring your head and your heart together, there is a sense that you are becoming even more aware of both your inner and outer worlds as your heart and head seem to be colliding in multiple areas of your life. To make things confusing, as well as colliding, they have also been pulling in different directions and this has left you feeling bewildered and confused, and as though you are somehow living out of sync with yourself. Although you know that your outer world is often a reflection of your inner world, it’s been hard for you to navigate through the confusion because you have been without anchor and unable to stand surefooted on the ground in order to work out where you are. As a result, you’re not quite sure if you’re coming, going or somewhere in between. Having such a logical mind with a deeply intuitive heart can often feel like a challenge, yet it’s also a great gift as it brings you insights and wisdom so few others could even begin to comprehend.
The intensity of your intuition can sometimes feel overwhelming, as though you are on the outside looking in on the swirling, whirling infinite universe that resides within your heart and soul. It’s important to remember that your head, your heart, and your soul are all a part of the same being and although they may seem to work against each other at times, if you step back a little, you will realise they all have your best interests at heart. Stop trying so hard to make sense of your true nature and instead start to embrace it as the more you embrace your essence, the more you will realise that the more you find peace with the swirling and twisting energies within you, enabling you to embrace your unique and vibrant nature and re-set the balance in your life…
As you continue to shine the light of compassion within your own heart and soul there is a sense that you are beginning to acknowledge your own needs and dreams much more. You are an effervescent being with a kaleidoscope of gifts flowing through you, and although there are times when you feel as though you are lost in the currents of other people’s lives, you are opening up to your intuition and creativity with more self-belief than ever before. It can be hard for you to ‘own’ your gifts as you can struggle with self-belief, but it’s important for you to acknowledge them as they are a part of you. You are so often on the go, and you seem to struggle to stay in the same place for long, yet life isn’t always about movement, sometimes you need to be quiet and still in order to re-charge and re-balance. Even when you do pause and slow down, it’s hard to be completely still as you’re so inter-connected to the world around you, making you aware of every sound, thought, idea and breath.
Although this can feel overwhelming, when you allow it to flow over you and through you, your energy becomes buoyant and your whole perspective on life shifts. This awareness is powerful and it’s truly special as it enables you to look beyond the boundaries of life and it also inspires you to look deeply within your own heart and soul. It’s important to acknowledge this gift and find ways to incorporate it into your everyday life as it needs the room to flow freely now as you contemplate the path ahead of you. In order to make some informed decisions and choices, believe in the power within you to guide you. Let the light of compassion reach deeply within to every nook and cranny in order to illuminate your soul from the inside, out…