You have been finding it hard to see the wood for the trees lately as your mind has been lost in a thick blanket of fog, and this has left you feeling uncertain and unsure about your life – this is not a position you often find yourself in, so you have been feeling – quite understandably – anxious about your path ahead. This fog will start to lift in May, and you will be able to get some clarity and direction with your life once again.
You will come across some niggling obstacles this month due to Mercury’s retrograde phase, and whilst they are not impassable, they will hold up your plans. Try to go within to your inner source of strength and power to find the reserves necessary to drive your way forwards, allowing you to overcome anything that gets in your way – once you get going, there will be no stopping you.
This new wave of energy entering your life will create some new opportunities and ideas coming your way. So, keep your eyes peeled and watch out for some exciting and new horizons to beckon. May is a month to use your creative and leadership skills to take charge of your life. If there are any underlying issues in your close relationships, May seems to be the time to confront them and to re-ignite the passion and fun into your relationship.
You have been gently plodding along recently, enjoying the routine and easy pace of your life, and you have been quite content with this state of affairs, until now. May brings you a change in pace – new ideas and distractions are coming your way, and you feel ready to burst at the seams with enthusiasm and energy. You have had some quiet time to get your life back into perspective, and this month you will be propelled forwards with a real surge of energy.
Once you breathe in this energy, your whole life will feel refreshed and revitalised, and you will be looking at your life and the world through different eyes. Use your creative talents to take your life – your work in particular – in the direction you have been thinking about for a while, and have the courage of your convictions to go for what you want – believe in yourself.
On a personal level, you are feeling very contented emotionally, as this area of your life is quite stable and positive. You seem to be in demand socially and many new faces will appear in your social circle, as you explore different avenues of social interaction. If you choose to follow these new contacts up, you will find a couple of precious gems who will turn out to be kindred spirits.
You have been feeling a little bit out on a limb lately; you have sensed a lack of understanding from those close to you, and as a result you have felt quite isolated and alone at times. May looks set to change all this, when you are on course to get closer to some truly like-minded people and soul mates. You therefore need to keep an open mind and be prepared to widen your social arena – try something or somewhere new – you will be pleased you made the effort.
Whilst you are innately curious, and tend to have a million different things going on in your life (and your head) at once, you do have a tendency towards expecting perfection. This perfection can be connected to your friends, love life, career or personal development, and the result of this is that you can start to expect things to come in neat little packages – life rarely works this way, and you need to start accepting this fact. Once you have, life will look a whole lot rosier than it does at the present. What is perfect anyway?
Your ruler Mercury, goes retrograde in your sign on the 7th – expect some major communications hiccups, misunderstandings and delays. Try to get yourself organised, and if you keep one step ahead of the game, you should get through the month relatively unscathed.
You have been feeling on top of the world recently, and you have seen a clear image or vision as to how your life could map out if you follow your dreams. Of course, there are no certainties in life, but you look set to reach your full potential this month and to witness first hand, just how powerful positive thinking or affirmations can be. Believe in your abilities, don’t underestimate yourself and let your talents shine forth for everyone to see – May is not a month to hide under that impenetrable shell of yours – it is a month to step out and be noticed.
Communications are a little up and down this month, particularly early on in the month, and this could lead to some misunderstandings with others. So, take your time, and don’t try to force matters through – just try to trust in the process of life more…
You are feeling a little on the defensive when it comes to your close relationships, and your irritability may push people away, so a little soul-searching and self-honesty could be in order to get to the root of the problem. You need to explore why you are so defensive at times, and try to let this go now, it is no longer serving you well, and could even be holding you back on your path.
You will find it hard not to become complacent this month, as life really couldn’t get much better. Lucky breaks come your way, opportunities appear from nowhere, and you always seem to be in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. Yes, May is a very favourable month for you, but don’t allow yourself to get blasé or too cocksure about this, or you may end up tripping yourself up at the final hurdle. Make the most of this very special time, and if you can focus yourself in the direction you want in life, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way, then you will do very well indeed. So remember, don’t push your luck, build on what you know, and you will go from strength to strength.
On a more personal level, there is a sense that you have been feeling a little claustrophobic recently. It’s not that you are being emotionally smothered by those close to you, but more that you feel stifled and unable to be your usual colourful and creative self. This looks set to fester unless you deal with it, so try to go within to connect to your deeper Self, and find out why you feel trapped. Whilst it could be connected to the behaviour of others, it seems more likely to be a situation of your own making…
May looks set to be an important turning point in your life. In the past, you have so often sacrificed your own dreams and goals for the sake of others, and put other people’s needs before your own, but this month it is time for a change. You have been doing a lot of thinking recently, particularly in connection to what you are doing with your life, and you have drawn some interesting conclusions. You have been settling for second best for too long now, and you need to start opening yourself up to the full potential of your life, and to go for what you want.
It may be time to start considering new options when it comes to your skills base – perhaps studying a new course or learning a new technique you’ve been meaning to try? Either way, be sure to expect a change of routine during May.
Your personal life has been shrouded in mist recently as there has been a sense of uncertainty connected to how you can move forwards, and this has left you feeling a little stuck and tense. May brings with it the sunshine to burn away the mist, to reveal a sense of clarity and vision that you haven’t felt in a long while. You will finally start to see what is truly important in your life.
There is something of a hurricane raging deep within you, a major storm of emotions and thoughts are running wild leaving you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. This is mainly a result of your constant over thinking and over-analysing. You like to be organised and ahead of the game, but sometimes this just isn’t possible – you need to take a more Taoist philosophy and take the path of least resistance, don’t fight it all the time. Looking deeper into Taoist ideas though, if you are following any sort of path, then it’s not the right path, for there is no path…
Before you spin off into another maze of thoughts trying to make sense of these words. Stop. It’s just no good trying to make sense of something that doesn’t make sense to you at the moment – it won’t work. Maybe one day it will make sense, maybe it won’t. Why worry about it? It seems like you are trying to achieve the impossible in your life at the moment by seeking answers where there aren’t any, and looking for direction without the aid of a map, compass or even the Sun. Yes, you can dream the impossible dream, but stop stressing about it when it doesn’t quite work out in the way you had planned.
Confused? You won’t be by the end of the month as this will all make perfect sense to you.
It is important that you remain level headed and focused in May otherwise life may go a little off course. Take your time, and be patient when it comes to new opportunities that are presented to you. Be sure to do your homework before you make any big decisions, and be sure that you listen to your own intuition. If you can, take some time out for some inner reflection and contemplation to enable you to re-focus on what is important to you at the moment.
You have been on quite a roller coaster ride over the past few months, and there is an element of weariness about you, so do make sure that you don’t just jump at the first opportunity that comes your way because you are fed up with waiting. Try to trust the bigger picture, and if it doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t.
A new chapter is beginning in your life, and it will soon start to unfold. This could lead to a change of job or even residence, but what is becoming crystal clear is the fact that the key to moving forwards with your dreams is in being your Self. Don’t try to bend yourself out of shape to please others all the time – what about your individuality and sparkle? Surely you owe it to yourself to explore your true nature and needs more…
You need to keep your wits about you this month and don’t take anything at face value. Although your natural enthusiasm and buoyancy will be ever present, there is an extremely fine line between success and failure, and order and chaos, in your life, and May is no exception to this. You need to say focused if you are going to avoid placing a foot on the wrong side of this line.
This may sound like a lot of stress for you, but if only you could see that success is almost in your grasp – true happiness is yours, if only you could keep your eye on the target for more than a fleeting moment. You may need lots of stimuli to keep your interest charged in life, but sometimes you do need to become narrow in your focus if you are going to make the big changes in your life that you dream of.
So, do try to see that the heavens only want you to succeed – they do not want to see you scatter yourself off in a million different directions only to be left feeling like you are back at square one again. You might be tempted to deviate from the path you have forged out ahead, but you will need to take full responsibility for the consequences (good or bad). You have been warned…
May looks set to be a great month for you as you get the opportunity for a little opulence and indulgence. Some extra money wings its way to you, and you will be able to treat yourself for a change – go on enjoy yourself. As the saying goes – a little of what you fancy does you good!
Familiarity is the name of the game this month, stick to what you know – don’t try to ascend an unfamiliar path or you could come unstuck. It is time to see the real value of what you have already achieved in your life – you need to have some faith in your abilities as you have a lot to offer. You do tend to make comparisons to others and end up feeling disgruntled, but try not to do this or you will end up in the doldrums.
Your intuition is on good form throughout the month, and you would be wise to take heed of it. Your head seems to be coming out of the clouds, and you are beginning to see your way ahead clearly once again. This is great as you can use this newfound clarity to see the direction you are taking with your life, and to make any necessary tweaks or adjustments to stay on track. Use this opportunity wisely.
May looks set to be a buoyant and active month for you. The focus is on you and what you want out of life – and this month, if you put your mind to it, you are very likely to get it. It is now time to grab the bull by the horns and set yourself straight into action. You can use your unconventionality to your advantage as you can see unusual ways of working your magic. Your originality and uniqueness will be a huge advantage as the month progresses…
Some wonderful opportunities come your way this month, take advantage of these if you dare and watch your reputation rocket, and your self-satisfaction soar. If others try to get in your way, don’t let them, or you could end up kicking yourself over your missed opportunities for a long time to come. This is your time now, and you owe it to yourself to at least explore the myriad of possibilities that are out there for you.
Neptune and Chiron are both residing in Aquarius, and they go into retrograde motion later this month. These planets are very spiritual, and connected to your intuitive and healing gifts. With both of them going retrograde, expect some interesting dreams and insights about your own life and your spirituality. Mix in a sprinkling of Jupiter with this, and your mind will be reaching places others just cannot reach.
You are starting to see your life and your future much more clearly this month. Whilst you have been waiting for the right time to move forward, you might need to take a little leap of faith in order to get the ball rolling. Once you have taken the first small step, help will come to you, and things will appear to effortlessly fall into place. Listen to your intuition, and you will know when the time comes to make your move.
May is a great month to have some time out, maybe a short break or a holiday just to escape from the rat race for a while. This time will help you to get your life back into more perspective…
You will need to speak some home truths this month – someone close to you is finding your progress and increase in confidence a little hard to take. Before you go off all guns blazing though, you do need to consider your role in all of this – have you been open and honest about your feelings? Have you tried to include them in this new chapter of your life? If you can be honest with yourself and maintain an air of openness at the same time, then your bond with this person is likely to be strengthened and deepened in a really positive way.