Our Summer of (Dis)Content – Part 5

The Cosmic Diary Unfolds…

As the weeks progress, there will be more and more to explore with the summer’s cosmic events as and when they happen; but for now I have briefly outlined below some of the key celestial happenings:

Pluto Retrograde – connecting to the wholeness within and facing the truth of who we are and letting go of all that no longer serves.

Uranus moves into Aries – Breaking free from convention, standing up for what is right, freedom and innovation reigns.

Jupiter moves into Aries – Exciting adventures beckon on new horizons, time for courage and conviction to follow those deeply important dreams and goals.

Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Aries – a time for (re)awakening, electrifying and exciting, new beginnings.

Uranus & Jupiter oppose Saturn – exciting, challenging, extremely intense and a time to break free from convention and to explore new horizons. Time for a major shake up.

Uranus & Jupiter square Pluto – Major time for change, feeling the fear but doing into anyway, stepping into the unknown, letting go of fears and embracing the Self and the uniqueness within.

Saturn square Pluto – challenging and a time for endings and beginnings. Taking responsibility for our choices and actions.

Uranus Retrograde – honouring our individuality, standing in our Truth, becoming free.

Jupiter Retrograde – exploring the wisdom within, connecting to Consciousness, embracing the adventurer within.

Lunar Eclipse & Total Solar Eclipse – both events mark twists and turns in energy levels and focus.

Summer Solstice – always a turning point in the year, but for 2010 a time of high energy and intensity.

Chiron Retrograde – healing the wounds within and finding the key to heal and transform the lives of others.

Grand Cosmic Cross between Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Pluto and the Moon – dramatic, possibly explosive and very enlightening, dark night of the soul for some, but a blessed and joyful time for most.

So plenty of food for thought! I will write more on all of these events over the coming weeks…

So, a Summer of Discontent? I believe that it is most certainly leaning towards a summer of deep contentment, fulfilment and joy, but I guess it all comes down to perspective!