Yearly Forecasts

Message for 2025

Many of us will likely feel a sense of relief to see the back of 2024, it was a year of living magically, but it was a year of intensity on every level of existence. In many ways, this intensity shifted the focus away from re-aligning the soul to breathe deeply and to connect to the light within, yet it was only by experiencing the intensity that we have each been able to re-align and re-connect. So, another paradoxical conundrum on the journey of life! Despite the challenges of the previous year, there has been a powerful shift towards self-awareness and self-compassion. The infinity that resides within our hearts and souls is shining brighter than ever before as we navigate uncertain terrain ahead.

As the wheel of life turns after the Winter Solstice, we are still in a period of retreat and reflection, a time to re-centre and re-align, as we each reflect on the year behind us and the year ahead. It’s also important to remain focused on the present moment as this is the key towards wholehearted living. When we retreat and breathe deeply, we are able to see the bigger picture: the sum of our past, present and future. When we step back, we are no longer consumed with angst, or fragmented by linear thoughts, we are instead able to feel a conscious connection to life, and know that we no longer feel lost in storylines and repeating patterns, but free to walk a new path.

Of course, although we can sense our evolving awareness, it’s still all too easy to become caught up in the swirling and chaotic currents, as it’s simply not possible to extricate ourselves from the ebb and flow of life. Although we all have times when we long to step back for a while, intuitively we sense the inevitability of the currents. This isn’t to say we need to resign ourselves to becoming driftwood, it’s more a willingness to find ways to flourish and thrive whilst living as consciously as possible. A great deal of our learning and wisdom comes from making ‘mistakes’, but rather than berating ourselves for the things we haven’t done or the things we’ve done ‘wrong’, it’s important to find the value of these experiences as a part of the bigger picture of life.

For a great many souls, it’s the challenges that bring us to life, it’s where strength and wisdom reside, and it’s where compassion and love are often found in the nooks and crannies. It’s often pain and challenge that illuminates the skies within, radiating the darkness like a lighthouse in stormy skies. The more we turn within to love and honour ourselves, the brighter this light becomes as it acts like a beacon for others on the path, bringing souls together and finding unity and warmth from shared wisdom. Of course, for many of us this togetherness feels lacking, as walking a spiritual path can feel lonely, yet intuitively we know that it is the right path, so even when we feel alone, we can still connect our hearts and souls to the light within and feel a deeper connection to others.

A powerful theme emerging over the year ahead looks set to involve every single one of us making some important decisions as to what we truly want in life. It’s so easy to become caught up in the humdrum of everyday life and this can leave us feeling very pedestrian, and unable to step towards our hopes and dreams, but it’s only when we start to think about our true priorities that we can begin the process of sorting the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the ‘clutter’ we carry. Clutter comes in many forms from a busy mind to having too much on our ‘to do’ lists, to having too many takers around us in life.

It’s not always easy to de-clutter when it comes to those around us so there is a chance that we may need to re-frame how we deal with those dynamics, but rather than constantly bending and flexing with the needs, wishes and whims of others, there’s a need to find strength from within and acknowledge our own priorities. This is a process that many will avoid, or find extremely uncomfortable, after all, rocking the boat is not always a smooth process, but it’s our willingness to lean into this discomfort that helps us to live more consciously and with more freedom than ever before.

It’s so easy to go through life with our heads down, battling through the winds and storms, trying to keep on keeping on. This is a natural instinct and there have certainly been a lot of storms over recent months and years, yet there is a risk that if we focus on keeping on keeping on, we stop noticing life. If we keep pushing ahead without noticing the scenery, or pausing to reflect, we can lose sight of our hopes and dreams as life becomes a slog rather than a journey of discovery. When life passes us by, we can be left with regrets and missed opportunities. Of course, there will always be things to do, people to see and places to go, but it’s important to acknowledge just how much we do because we feel we should, ought to, or must. When we let go of the clutter and focus on our true priorities, many of the complexities start to fall away as we can see life with more richness and colour, and this brings us renewed motivation to live our best lives.

Although nothing in life is guaranteed, when we let go of the fear of this and embrace the present moment, somehow, we find strength from the uncertainty and impermanence as we realise that acknowledging the fragility and unpredictability of life is both inspiring and empowering, as it encourages us to make the most of every moment. So, in many ways, strength and wisdom comes from surrendering to the true flow of life and opening up our hearts and souls towards awakening and living wholeheartedly. When we stop fighting and resisting the present moment, and start living it instead, we find true power as we no longer feel imprisoned by the conditions we so often place on our lives. We stop waiting for a better moment and choose to embrace the present moment as we shift from chasing our dreams to being them.

2025 looks set to be a time for re-alignment as we focus on those moments between moments, those brief pauses that give everything else shape and structure. It’s a bit like the pause between the in-breath and the out-breath, where we are doing neither one nor the other, it’s a space between spaces and this is where the power to re-align resides. Happiness can’t be measured by the things we do or the accumulation of achievements or resources, it’s a state of existence that comes from being, and feeling, whole. ‘Having it all’ may bring peace of mind, but it can also leave us always wanting more and feeling ‘less than’ as we strive to do more, achieve more and be more. It’s only when we have the courage to accept that true happiness comes from how we live, and how we feel, that the quest for ‘more’ starts to subside.

Living the best life possible is so much more than status, success and the material world, it’s a way of living and being that allows us to grab hold of our hopes and dreams, seeking out meaning and purpose. There is a rising sense of freedom emerging as we realise the wonder and magic of life once again, realising there is no ‘do’ or ‘ought’, just a willingness to love and honour ourselves in each and every moment. We can then explore the infinite myriad of possibilities, both around us, and within us, stepping beyond linear and conditional thoughts, and having the courage to create new ripples in the currents of life. Instead of spending our lives with our breath held in, scared to exhale fully in case it leaves us vulnerable or exposed to the challenges of life, it’s time to breathe as wholeheartedly as possible in order to reclaim our true space once again. Breathing freely allows us to experience the true riches of life.

Just as the planets continue to dance around the Sun, the cycle of life continues; the rains fall, the seasons change and life itself ebbs and flows, and everything feels more alive and awake than ever before. It’s time to focus on living as wholeheartedly and as creatively as possible. I wish you a bright, joy-filled, and incredible year ahead. For now, and as always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.

With love, Sarah-Jane


Being your true self looks set to be a key theme for you over the coming year as you seem both ready and willing to live your life more wholeheartedly than ever before. The fires within your heart and soul have been glowing more over recent months, and you intuitively sense it will soon be time to let this glow burn brightly as you step beyond the boundaries of your life and live more in accordance with your beliefs and ideals. It seems you are ready to live free, feel free and be free. Yet, this is not a journey of doing, it’s a state of being, and this could prove challenging for you as you love to take the helm and be the one who ‘gets things done’. However, there are times when doing can leave you feeling overwhelmed with things to do, people to see and places to go, and a part of you is yearning for an opportunity to let this go in order to live more in balance with your true essence. Try not to wrestle and struggle to work out a way forward, if you can, breathe into the moment and let your intuition guide you.

You have been navigating shifting sands and changing currents for such a long time, it feels like second nature. Yet, although you know that the landscape of life will always change and shift, the less you struggle with it and the more you go with the process, the more you have realised that the true riches of life come not from trying to be everything to everyone, but instead from trying to honour and be your true self.

Over recent months you have connected to your true self at a much deeper level enabling you to seek wisdom from within and guidance from your inner world. You are a bright, intuitive and gifted soul, and the more you realise just how resourceful and strong you are, the more you will begin to see just how you shape and define your path in life. Resourcefulness is not a sign of disconnection or isolation though; it is not about standing alone, but about feeling connected and knowing you are an integral part of this vast and magnificent panorama.

Finding peace and strength from your fiery inner volcanic world continues to take centre stage over the coming year as you open up your heart and soul to your true priorities. Although you have always had a deeper sense of knowing when it comes to your path and destiny, there is a sense that your awareness of this is changing now as you step beyond linear thought and instead explore a more expansive way of living and being. You no longer seem to be thinking in terms of how to get from ‘a to b’, but of how to shift from doing to being. Such a shift is important as it is a sign that you are letting go of the need to push so hard and to chase so many horizons in order to ‘succeed’, and you are instead beginning to fully embrace the concept of being you, now.

In a way, this goes beyond words, simply because there are no words that can do justice to the evolving feelings of wholeness and connectedness that are emerging from your soul now. Whilst there will always be things to do, people to see and places to go (as that makes life interesting!), the focus is shifting now towards you pushing less and instead finding strength, joy and happiness in the moment.

2025 looks set to be a year to find new ways to channel your strength and fire, creativity and passion, and you are likely to see your life, your interactions and your dreams in a new light. A new vision is rising up from deep within the core of your being and this vision carries freedom, strength and adventure. It’s time to believe in yourself, to love yourself and to have the courage to live the life you were born to live…

Your theme for 2025: Inner Strength


Your year ahead looks set to be defined by the choices and decisions that you make over the days and weeks ahead, as you have reached something of a crossroads in your life. Like ripples in a pond, these choices and decisions will expand outwards in all directions and into all areas of your life. Yet, this is not something to fear, but something to celebrate as it is a sign that you are allowing your inner light to shine brightly, warming your soul and inspiring you to live the best life possible.

Your life has been busy and your ‘to do’ list has grown longer and longer with each passing day, leaving you feeling overwhelmed at times. As a result, you are often left wondering if you are coming, going or lost somewhere in between. Yet, when you step back to look at this ‘to do’ list, you will see that much of it isn’t really all that important in the scheme of things. It’s time to focus on your true priorities and to begin the process of de-cluttering the rest. Just because you remove an item from your ‘to do’ list doesn’t mean you will never re-visit it, but the theme of ‘less is more’ is an important one for you now as you need some breathing space to re-align and re-focus once again.

There is no doubt that the storms of life have been crashing in on the shoreline of your soul, the lightning has been invigorating but you are longing for some respite from the heaving seas. In a way though, these storms seem to affect you so profoundly as you are so caught up with things to do. If you were to shed the load, focus on what’s really important and take a breath, the storms will come and go without tossing you about like a piece of driftwood. When you connect to the light within your heart and soul, you will realise that the storms are more a reflection of your inner world and how hemmed in you have been feeling. Feeling trapped has created layer upon layer of inner ripples of frustration and these have grown and developed into storms. Of course, the storms are not completely of your own making as you have seen more than your fair share of challenges lately, but when you breathe, re-centre and re-focus, your strength rises, and you can find peace amongst the chaos and clarity within the confusion.

You are a strong, vibrant and creative being, and intuitively you already know that your inner light is the source of your gifts and passion. It seems that the more you open up to your inner light over the weeks and months ahead, the more you will feel the joy of your inner smile radiating brightly, transporting you away from a need for retreat and escape, to instead living joyfully right back in the flow of life without becoming the chatter. An important part of this comes from defining your boundaries and creating new foundations upon which to build a new way of living and being.

You may have your doubts about stepping free from your ‘status quo’ but you know that you’re ready to open up your heart and soul, expanding your horizons and channelling your inner power, strength and vision into all the nooks and crannies of your life. It’s time to be your true self and to love yourself, quirks and all. Your inner world is one of silent strength and majesty, your inner mountain range is your source of strength and inspiration, and when you consciously connect with your inner power, you can feel the breath of the mountain as your guide.

There is a wonderful earthy and spiritual essence flowing in and out of your life over the months ahead, and the more you open up to this, the more at peace you will feel. Spend some quiet moments in nature and feel your own equilibrium return. Become one with your true essence and let this be your guide…

Your theme for 2025: Clarity and vision


You are at a something of a crossroads at the current time: behind you is the past, ahead is the future, to the left and the right are various opportunities, ideas and projects, and above and below you can see a plethora of unexplored avenues which tempt and tantalise you as you think outside of the box, contemplating the bigger picture. As you look around you feel amazed and a little overwhelmed; unsure of which way to turn and how to make sense of it all. Yet, if you stop looking around in every direction and instead look to where you are now, you will let go of the uncertainty and realise that you are already standing under a beautiful blue sky. In other words, by shifting your focus slightly and becoming aware of the present moment, the confusion will fade, and your strength will rise up, bringing wisdom and insight.

It’s easy to feel lost in the ebb and flow of life, particularly when you see and sense so much more than most. The definition of ‘you’ has always been somewhat challenging in your eyes, for as soon as you start to think about who you are, you begin to get lost in storylines, patterns and over thinking. As a result, you have never truly understood yourself as you have never truly been yourself. This may sound odd, after all, if you haven’t been you then who have you been? Yet, when you ponder this, you can feel the truth of these words as there is a part of you that won’t let go and fly free. Such caution is understandable given the sheer volume of challenges you’ve experienced, but there is also a sense that you doubt yourself and doubt that you ‘have what it takes’ to fly free and be you.

The reasons for this doubt are complex and multi-layered, but it seems that you so often tie yourself up in knots trying to make sense as to why you are the way you are. As a result, you spend your time thinking about being yourself rather than just being yourself. Wanting to understand yourself and your complexities is understandable and is a sign that you are an evolving soul, but sometimes this need to understand can become a distraction taking you even further away from being you and leave you in a perpetual state of flux as it means that you never truly have to make a decision and fly free. It’s as though taking a chance feels too risky so you’re happily maintaining the status quo even though the status quo doesn’t enable you to flourish or thrive.

So, 2025 looks set to be the year when you begin to wholeheartedly understand exactly who you are. Just remember that you are unlikely to ever really understand your true nature until you are both living, and being, your true nature. Yes, this sounds paradoxical, but let your intuition guide you and you will know it to be true. Take some time to dive deeply into your inner world, connect with your whirlwind mind, your phenomenal wisdom and your beautiful intuitive gifts. Just remember that your inner world isn’t orderly and predictable, but it’s a place of wild rivers, mountains and plenty of unchartered terrain. It’s time to find peace with your infinite nature and to seek out joy in each and every moment.

It seems clear that the more you can accept your true nature, the less you will want to run from it as you will realise that this is the source of your inspiration and power. You are a vibrant, brilliant and inspirational soul, and your inner world is rich, diverse and complex. Few could master the tempestuous nature of your inner landscape, as it is wild and unwieldy, and yet, once you open up to this world, it feels empowering and invigorating, and intuitively you know that you are home…

Your theme for 2025: Home. On every level of your being.


It seems that 2024 was a year of interesting insights and perplexing realisations for you, as you have discovered so much about yourself and your true priorities. You have spent a great deal of time trying to be the person you’ve felt you ought to be, trying to get life right and trying to fit into a world that really makes no sense to you. It’s not surprising that the world doesn’t make sense as it’s a chaotic, topsy turvy whirlwind of random, incongruent and nonsensical moments! It seems clear that you have spent so much time and energy doing your best and keeping on keeping on, and this has seen you get by, but the sparkle within you seems dull and faded as you are disconnected from your creativity and vision.

You seem ready now to re-align your reality with your vision in order to realise how entrenched you’ve become in trying to be everything to everyone else. It’s time to think about being everything to you, and this isn’t an indulgence, it’s a necessity, as your heart and soul are yearning for more adventure and exploration in life (on every level of your being). Of course, you could try to fit your hopes and dreams into your current life, but intuitively you sense this would be like trying to fit a square shaped peg into a round hole. So, perhaps there’s a need to turn this on its head and re-shape your current life so that it supports your hopes and dreams? Yes, this would take courage and strength, but you have both by the bucket load. At the end of the day, only you can decide which path to follow, but it seems wise to contemplate what you truly want now as you seem tantalisingly close to a new chapter in life.

Remember that there is no right or wrong when it comes to knowing what you want. What once felt so right now feels less so because you have grown, changed and evolved every single day. You are no longer the same person you were yesterday, let alone last week, last year or a decade ago. You do not have to cling to your vision just because it felt right in your past, nor do you have to resist your intuition and keep pushing on pushing on just because it’s easier than exploring unknown terrain.

Deep within the core of your being, you have a strong sense that it’s time to believe in yourself as you get ready to make some big decisions about your path ahead. The more willing you are to embrace a new consciousness of self-awareness and trust, the more you will see that changing course is simply a part of your own personal evolution. Whilst change may not be easy for you, once you realise that change is a constant flow in life, it somehow shifts the balance away from disempowerment to one of empowered awareness. So, rather than feel a sense of anxiety that your sense of purpose is shifting, try to embrace this as a wonderful opportunity to grow, evolve, flourish and blossom, as it is a sign that you are listening to your inner self to guide you now.

2025 looks set to be a year for building new foundations, but also a year for setting yourself free. On the surface, this doesn’t make much sense, but feel the words and intuitively you will sense that they are inextricably linked as setting yourself free brings self-compassion and self-love, and these open up new doorways of opportunity. Building new foundations comes from cultivating self-compassion and self-love, and from living the life you intuitively know you were born to live.

You are world-class at compromise as you have spent so long trying to accommodate the wants and needs of others, but you are now ready to acknowledge your own worth and realise that the time has come for you to accommodate your own needs instead…

Your theme for 2025: laugh, let go and live.


2024 was something of a mystery for you, although you gained some important insights, there is a sense that you never really got to grips with where you were heading or why. This is understandable given the chaotic and rambunctious busy-ness coming into your life from every direction, but it seems you feel a little disappointed that you didn’t quite get to where you felt you needed to be. As a result, you’ve become very focused on the gap between where you were, where you are and where you feel you’d like to be. Your vision of your destiny seems clear and in focus, but the horizon hasn’t come any closer, no matter how hard you’ve tried. Although you logically know that the horizon always remains in the distance, you still feel frustrated that you are not making the progress you feel you ought to be making.

Ought. Now that’s a word that needs some attention. You are very good at ‘ought’, must, and should, as you try so hard to get life right. You place yourself under immense pressure to do more, be more, achieve more and see more, yet your heart and soul are longing to let it all go and find a path towards freedom. Freedom seems to be connected to your state of being more than a state of doing; it’s how you feel inside. At the moment, you seem tethered and weighed down, pressured and stressed, allowing ‘ought, must and should’ to shape and define your life. Yet, you are a lion, you are passionate, strong and creative, so why are you feeling stuck in a cycle that you clearly seem ready to be free of?

Try to take some time to pause and reflect, breathe deeply and feel the power rising up from within your heart and soul. Become one with your true essence and feel this energy surging through every single one of your trillions of atoms. This essence is you. The ‘ought, must, and should’ is just on autopilot and stuck in a rut. So, breathe, pause and step into the truth of your power. When the busy-ness starts to creep in, breathe and re-focus once again. It will take time to create a shift, but you seem ready now to move away from a life of ‘ought’ and towards ‘I want’…

You are a vibrant, creative and passionate soul, and every experience and every moment matters. By focusing so enthusiastically on the future and on those ‘ought’s’, you have inadvertently lost sight of the present and this is the true source of your frustration; how can you find peace within when you are looking for it elsewhere?

You are not the same person that you were last year or even last week; your priorities ebb and flow, so allow yourself to embrace this fluidity and become one with the flow in order to fully experience life in the present moment. This can allow you to live a richer and more engaged life in every single moment. Focusing on your destination keeps you perpetually chasing horizons, and the frustration that results from this is understandable; let this go now and get back to being you.

Your inner spark is your roar (your essence) and your power; it is the source of your strength, your vision and your creativity. When you merge with your roar and become one with it, this transports you into the expansiveness of your consciousness and to an awareness and acceptance that you are already whole. So, as you continue to break free from the shape and structure of your life, there is a sense of some big decisions to make, but try to trust the process of your life and know that these are decisions to make only when they need to be made. For now, be empowered and allow yourself to adjust to the freedom of the fires within as these are your true and natural state of being…

Your theme for 2025: Breathe, release, focus…


2025 looks set to see a re-emergence of your strength, vision, passion and tenacity as you feel a deeper sense of connection to your heart and soul. As you continue to contemplate your true priorities in life, try to take your time to work out what’s important and what’s not, as you do carry a great many of the expectations of others. As a result, it can be hard for you to know where you end and where others begin, so knowing which priorities are actually yours can be challenging! As an inter-connected soul, over time your ideals, priorities and sense of truth has blended and merged with those around you, and although this has made your life much richer and more interesting, it seems time to untangle some of the knots and tangles in order to re-establish your own focus and vision.

This is a year for creative manifestation, and this is a powerful opportunity for you to realign your thoughts, expectations and beliefs in order to re-shape the story of your life. In a way there is no ‘do’ here, as creative manifestation itself implies the power of intent and the magic of creation. Yet, it seems clear that there are still things for you to do in order for you to step free from the conveyor belt of life. Perhaps the biggest thing for you to do is connected to you re-aligning yourself with your true essence and openly acknowledging your true priorities in life. Keeping on keeping on and walking the conveyor belt, has seen you make progress, but it hasn’t set your soul on fire with the sparkle and passion that you hoped for. Whilst a lot can be said for keeping on keeping on, intuitively you know that you need more now, as you want to bring your consciousness and your creativity into your everyday life.

It seems that the more you open up to the expansiveness of your inner world, the more you will sense a feeling of coalescence within as you bring together the many different facets of yourself into a more cohesive and amazing whole. The whispers within are calling you to fully awaken, and these are growing stronger and stronger with each passing day. It is no longer a whisper being gently carried along by the breeze, but a stage whisper that is amplified and reaches across the universal expanse! In other words, denying your inner voice an audience isn’t making it go away, so you need to find peace with yourself and either take heed of your little voice or re-negotiate a new plan.

Pushing away your little voice doesn’t seem wise, as it is a part of you, and although it might currently be a tad annoying, it has played a pivotal role in your life thus far. Little voice is the force of inspiration, as well as the gentle nudges towards spontaneity. Little voice is also a freedom seeking, empowered soul encouraging you to honour yourself and to be yourself. Although it might not be convenient to open up your consciousness to the expanse of the universe and to the infinite possibilities that reside there, but you know that it’s your birthright to be connected to this, as it is who you are.

You are a vibrant soul, and your creativity radiates from you with a warm glow; when you connect to your inner depths, you open up to the power, strength and vision that resides there and this lights up the world. You may dismiss your capability for global illumination, but intuitively you know that you were born with a purpose, and this purpose is to shine. Shining comes from being you and from allowing yourself to live the best life possible; it is not so much defined by what you do, but more by why you do it. In other words, dropping everything and changing your life is not necessarily the path to happiness, as happiness comes from within you. Therefore, by focusing on why you do the things you do, and by opening up to the vibration of happiness in your life, you are energetically stepping towards pastures new…

Your theme for 2025: Little voice shining brightly.


2024 was a journey of revelation, insight and realisation for you, as you travelled deep within to re-connect to your passion and strength. It seems clear that the more you re-centred and re-aligned yourself, the more you realised that you had been denying an important part of yourself. You felt somehow incomplete, like an unfinished symphony or a book with the last page missing, and as you continued to re-align, you realised just how big an impact this feeling of incompletion has been on your life. As your inner world opened up, you realised that your priorities were not quite what you expected them to be, but you tried to keep an open mind as you opened up your soul to the truth of being you.

In many ways, the book with the last page missing feels like an apt analogy for 2025. Of course, it would be all too easy to try to ignore this, but it seems important that you acknowledge the missing page and discover its significance in your life. Is the page missing because it’s been ripped out? Is it a printing error or is it because it’s not actually been written yet? The latter seems the most plausible explanation as there is such a strong sense that you are on the precipice of a new chapter in life. So, not only is the last page blank, there are many more pages to add.

It’s important to try not to overthink this, which is challenging for you, but this is a time to let your heart and soul take the helm as your feelings guide you. Now, before you fall back in horror at the thought of your feelings taking the helm, let your phenomenal intuition guide you as you already know that the path ahead is full of adventure. So, instead of allowing your inner whirlwind of a mind take control, try to pause and breathe in order to find a new balance.

Of course, inner peace and stillness for you is not about silence, as a world of silence feels alien in so many ways. Stillness for you comes from your ability to step beyond your comfort zone to embrace your feelings and to know that your whirlwind is your biggest ally; it is your source of inspiration, and it is the force that gives you strength and resilience. Sometimes it gets too big for its boots, but when you re-centre, your intuition rises up and brings balance back.

Over the months ahead you have much to ponder and contemplate as you begin to shift your consciousness and your awareness towards living a more fulfilled life. In a way, the details seem unimportant, as it is how you feel that ultimately fills that missing page and brings you a sense of peace and comfort. It’s time now to open up your heart and soul and trust that everything will be okay. Of course, you still have many questions, but it seems important to step beyond the boundaries of your mind to realise the infinite possibilities that your mind actually brings to your life.

Finding unity with your heart, head and soul may feel overwhelming, but they are all a part of you and they all want the best for you. Perhaps the time has now come for you to enjoy your complexities and nuances, and realise that these make you special and unique. They also make you, you. You are a divine soul and your energy radiates so brightly; you may try to cover it over with over-thinking, but intuitively you can sense your divinity and you know that it is your divinity that leads the way now. Your path ahead is paved with infinite possibilities and, as your consciousness expands, and you step beyond linear thought and over-thinking, you will begin to realise just how vibrant a soul you truly are.

Embrace that missing page and know that it brings you possibility, adventure and unknown terrain. The year ahead feels both exciting and illuminating on every level of your being…

Your theme for 2025: Wholeness and inner unity


2025 looks set to be a year to peel back the layers within as you connect more wholeheartedly to your inner beacon of light. It’s a year to contemplate your purpose in life and to listen to your inner voice to re-discover your true priorities. It seems that the more you open up your heart and soul towards living the best life possible, the more you will realise that you are a free-spirit and a creative spark of light. Although this isn’t a revelation to you, there is a sense that you have lost sight of this over time, as your focus has been on keeping on keeping on. The more wholeheartedly you can re-connect to your free-spirit and inner light, the more you will shift the vibration of your life towards happiness and contentment.

Your life is so often shaped by things to do, places to go, people to see, and yet more things to do, and this constant cycle has kept you well and truly occupied over the last few months/years. You have been so busy keeping on keeping on and there has been little time left over for you. Of course, there are always things to do, but sometimes there is so much noise and chatter of ‘stuff’ that the connection to your inner world fades and dampens. Sometimes you have to have the courage to let it go, to pause and to follow your own path.

Knowing yourself and being yourself has always been a challenge for you as you are so energetically entwined with those around you. Yet, your inner world is immense and mysterious, and whilst this makes you, you, it also feels unknowable and unpredictable which can make for a lot of uncertainty in life. It therefore seems easier to gloss over the surface instead of digging deep as you just don’t have the time for soul searching and inner re-alignment due to all that stuff you have to do. Yet, most of that stuff isn’t really that important, so it’s time to ask yourself why you prefer to keep on keeping on instead of resting in the strength and peace within? You want to re-align, but you don’t at the same time because you don’t really know what this will mean for you and your life.

Nothing in life carries certainty, not even keeping on keeping on. You already know this but there is a part of you that prefers to cling to the familiar rather than finding your truth and strength once again. The reasons for this seem complex, partly due to not wanting to rock the boat, but mostly a sense that you doubt you ‘have what it takes’ to let go and see where life takes you. Yet, you have reached a tipping point, and you sense that by allowing the clutter and stuff to continue to take centre stage they will consume you. You yearn to breathe freely once again. Such a choice inevitably carries uncertainty, but you, more than anyone, know the depths of your unchartered terrain; once you set it free, who knows where it might take you? Yet, it is you, and you want to be you now, and you are ready to step consciously into your true flow with an open heart and an open mind.

The winds of change are likely to build up speed and momentum over the months ahead as you re-think your priorities and begin to step back from some of the chatter and stuff that has previously given your life shape and structure. This could lead to some resistance from those close as they see a newly evolving you, but this is the real you, not the you that has been treading water these past few years. Trust your intuition to guide you.

Being a Scorpio is an art form that few souls ever truly master, as it takes skill, dedication and determination to stay centred and true to your essence. Yet, you are an ever-changing, ever-shifting complex ball of consciousness that is expanding and evolving at an almost exponential rate. Embrace your gifts and have the courage to go with the flow…

Your theme for 2025: Let your inner beacon of light be your guide.


There is a sense that you spent a great deal of 2024 whizzing along by the seat of your pants as you’ve been at the centre of a swirling ball of duties, responsibilities, possibilities, dreams and opportunities, many of which surge together and pull you into a myriad of different directions, often at the same time. As a result, there have been times when you’ve felt like the ball in a pinball machine, bouncing around and finding it hard to pause and rest.

Of course, you do love to be busy, and you thrive on the challenge of having multiple tasks on multiple levels of your life. You are a master at juggling, but your ability to juggle comes at a cost where you become consumed by the act of juggling instead of having the freedom to focus on what truly makes you happy. Whilst you need variety and stimulation to thrive, too much of anything can fragment and distract you, as it is simply not possible to keep all of those batons in the air for an indefinite period, and why would you want to? Is juggling really what you want in your life or are you ready to let go of the distractions and instead focus on what you truly want? There is a part of you quite happy not to focus on what you truly want as that would mean taking a chance and embracing what you truly want! This isn’t a judgement, just an observation. Only you can know why you hold back and prefer to get lost in busy-ness, but your heart and soul are yearning for an opportunity to flourish and thrive.

2025 looks set to be a year for you to wholeheartedly acknowledge what you truly want and to know that you are more than ready to let go of the busy-ness and embrace a simpler way of living and being. It’s time to put most of those batons down and channel your energy into the present moment, making every moment count as you use your phenomenal gifts. Let your inner world light up as your creativity, passion and sparkle re-surface, and you channel your energy towards your hopes and dreams.

If you can find a spare nanosecond to pause and look back over the last few months you will realise that you have reached a stage of reckoning where you know that if you don’t willingly set down at least some of these batons then life will find a way of nudging you into doing this. Nudging suggests something quite gentle and subtle, but ignore the nudge and it turns into a shove. In other words, listen to your intuition! You are doing too much, and trying to keep all of those batons in the air is fragmenting and diminishing you, not enhancing you.

Only you can decide what happens next, and the idea of setting down some of your distractions, dreams and goals may feel challenging, but you know that you are ready now to re-focus your intent to enhance and enrich your life. This may feel like a time of bottom-clenching uncertainty as you step towards unchartered terrain, but know that you absolutely have what it takes to make the most of new adventures.

So, pause for a while and re-connect to your bigger picture. Quality does matter; life is not only about quantity and in trying to do everything all of the time. You might be that excited, curious child in a sweetshop who, understandably, wants a piece of everything, but you intuitively know that you will be free to savour the taste much more from a few well-chosen items rather than trying to cram in as much as possible. There is no rush; take your time and savour every single mouthful.

The year ahead looks set to be a year of discovery and adventure for you. Relax, enjoy and savour every single moment…

Your theme for 2025: Less is more.


‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’. This seems like the perfect phrase to articulate the essence of your year ahead as you roll up your sleeves and place your focus towards your goals and dreams. Many of these are long-standing goals, but life has so often got in the way, and you have rarely had the time to explore these goals, let alone work out how to bring them into being. So, what do these words actually mean for you and your life?

Well, there are times when life gets in the way of you working towards your goals, but there are also times when you feel like your goals are almost ‘too big’, and your impatient side wants to get to your goal quickly, even though you intuitively know that’s not possible. So, trying to break things down into little pieces, into single steps is a powerful way to work towards your dreams. There are other times when you look at the journey ahead and see only the gap between where you are and where you want to be. It’s important to acknowledge that you are already walking your journey of a thousand miles as it’s the journey of your life. Although there may still be goals to achieve, try not to lose sight of the journey so far as you have achieved so much and evolved beyond recognition.

When the journey ahead looks vast and unconquerable, instead of focusing on the vastness, shift the focus to the present moment and to the little steps you make every single day. Over time, these accumulate and build into something bigger, but when you take things one step at a time, the pressure eases and you can start enjoying the process. Your journey might appear to be one of a thousand miles, but it could be considerably less (or more). Life carries no certainties, and instead of focusing on the vastness of the journey ahead, when you stand wholeheartedly in the present moment, your perspective shifts allowing you to find a deeper sense of peace with the process. A thousand miles, a million miles, a single mile, the distance matters not, as it’s the quality of the journey that matters the most.

When you tie yourself up in knots trying to get from a to b, putting yourself under pressure to leap and rush, the only person that suffers is you. Your thoughts, frustrations and beliefs shape your life, so open up your heart and soul in order to live with more creativity and freedom within. Let go of the pressure you place on your shoulders, take a deep breath and let you intuition guide you now.

If you wait until the bigger picture is crystal clear and guaranteed to work out well then you may have a long wait as life is simply too unpredictable. When you open up to the flow of life and breathe deeply into your intuition, the magic within you stirs and sparkles, inspiring you to live in more enriched and fulfilling ways. Acknowledge that you are taking steps on your journey every single day, make tweaks when you need to, but keep your focus on the present moment in order to make the most of the journey, as it’s on the journey where you will learn the most.

Life isn’t about getting from a to b, it’s about enjoying the nooks, crannies and detours along the way. When you’re drawn off course, trust your intuition and seek out new adventures. Let your heart and soul guide you and know that there is no right or wrong when it comes to dreams and goals. Even if you decide to make a U-turn, nothing is wasted as it all accumulates into the essence of you.

Believe in yourself, be present and enjoy the journey…

Your theme for 2025: Breathe into the stillness, trust your intuition.


2025 looks set to be a year of re-connection as the flow of inner knowing emerging from your heart and soul starts to blossom and flourish. You have been on quite a journey over recent months and years, you have worked hard to bring together the many different facets of your being into a more cohesive whole. Your journey to wholeness has been an important one for you as intuitively you have sensed the need to establish inner balance in order to find clarity as to your true priorities in life.

It’s a bit like trying to reclaim thousands of pieces of mosaic that represent the bigger picture of your life. Over time you have not only brought so many back together, you have also realised the joy in creating new shapes and patterns. When you’re up close to the mosaic it can be hard to see beyond the pieces in front of you, but when you step back, the masterpiece in its full and vibrant glory is revealed. You are naturally a details person, but you are also creative, wise and intuitive, and you sense it’s time now to shift the focus back towards the bigger picture in order to regain a sense of direction in your life.

Whilst you want to ensure the mosaic pieces are placed perfectly, in the overall scheme of things, this perfection can take your focus away from the bigger picture. A few smudges or wonky edges might irritate you, but try to avoid being quite so hard on yourself all the time by expecting nothing less than perfection. Of course this applies to every aspect of your life, not just the mosaic! You will always strive to be more, as that is a part of being you, but when this comes at a cost of failing to realise that your masterpiece is no less of a masterpiece because of a few tiny smudged tiles that no one but you can notice, it is time to stop and have a re-think.

In essence, 2025 looks set to be a year when you step back from the self-imposed pressure and stop setting your sights so high all the time. This does not mean giving up on goals or dreams, it’s simply a gentle suggestion to let go of the pressure that weighs you down. It seems important to acknowledge that your beautiful mosaic is a moving picture as the pieces change, ebb and flow with the passing of time. Some stay perfect, some crack, some disperse or scatter. So, just as you are ebbing and flowing with the currents of life, it seems the more you can let go, the more peace you will feel within. Cracks can be precious gifts; just think about kintsugi and the gold that is lovingly placed in the cracks. Beauty is everywhere.

You are on the precipice of a new adventure in life, one that sees a kaleidoscope of mosaic pieces showering into your life bringing opportunity and new connections. As the winds of change gather momentum, open up your heart and soul to the process and know that you are ready for something new. Of course, you are bound to feel some trepidation at this prospect, but take a deep breath and know that you absolutely have what it takes to explore new terrain on all levels of your life.

Throughout this inspirational time, there is a strong sense of you reclaiming your uniqueness and seeking new avenues of expression. Whilst you will always be building your beautiful mosaic, this is a part of your nature now, so let the process continue as you start to focus on the bigger picture and on cultivating happiness and joy in every aspect of your life. Step beyond your mind and allow your heart and soul to guide you towards pastures new.

Your theme for 2025: Loving your perfectly imperfect self.


2024 proved to be a year of contrast for you as the kaleidoscope of emotions, experiences, situations and thoughts charged into your consciousness on every level of your being. It’s as though a constant surge of ‘stuff’ has been coming in your direction, and you found it hard to take some time out to breathe and re-establish balance. It’s hard to condense this into words to articulate the intensity as it’s almost as though you have experienced a life’s worth of ‘stuff’ in just a year. Yet, when you look back, most years have felt similarly overwhelming and intense, so there is clearly a pattern. Or is there?

You are a sensitive, intuitive and fluid soul, and your capacity to process the ebb and flow of the currents of life is beyond the comprehension and understanding of most. This can sometimes leave you feeling a little isolated and misunderstood, as you often need to ‘step back’ in order to manage the constant ebb and flow. It’s as though you can sense, taste, hear and feel everything, from everyone, all at the same time. This can leave you feeling twisted, spun and tossed about energetically, emotionally and physically, and you are understandably feeling weary and subdued. Even now, as the tumultuousness eases, part of you is just waiting for the next surge to come and, as a result, you feel uneasy about taking a deep breath just in case you get spun again on the exhale before you have the chance to inhale and get some oxygen in your lungs.

Although this is understandable, it does leave you in a state of flux with your breath held in, feeling unable to relax and breathe freely. It’s a kind of defence mechanism to deal with the sheer velocity of stuff that’s been coming your way. However, the more you hold your breath in, the less able you are to dance with the waves of life. Yes, life has been chaotic and rambunctious, but it’s within this kaleidoscope of seemingly incongruent moments where you find your strength and wisdom. At the same time, when you let go and dance, your breath shifts and, as you breathe in, you feel able to fill your entire soul with oxygen.

Embracing your fluidity and opening up to the dance both seem important over the months ahead as you are ready to step away from survival mode and towards a new state of freedom. The ebb and flow will continue, but when you feel a deeper sense of peace within you, the chaos subsides allowing you to navigate the storms of life with grace and tenderness.

Your ability to sense so much is a gift, but it can also be a challenge as you will always have the capacity to experience a lifetime’s worth of ‘stuff’ in a year, or even in a single moment. So, it’s up to you to re-frame this experience and to find ways of letting the ocean currents flow over you, and through you. Stop feeling as though you have to be the one that everyone depends upon, stop feeling as though you have to be the rock. You are a fluid, creative and spiritual being and you need the space to flow freely. Although you will always be a support to others, it’s time to set them free so they can travel their own paths. At the same time, the more you let go, the more you can breathe deeply.

It’s time now to let the air flow freely through your being as you find new ways to dance with life. Challenges will come and challenges will go; but look beyond these and seek out ways to cultivate your hopes and dreams. The storms are always about, so instead of waiting for the sun to come out, seize the moment and make the most of now. Liberate yourself, embrace life and dance the waves with joy in your heart…

Your theme for 2025: Dance!