The planets have been very ‘vocal’ lately; my head has been full of planetary comings and goings. This has been unsettling but inspirational at the same time.
I was meditating on one of the Sabian Symbol’s the other day ‘A withered old Indian squaw, with a clear light persisting in beady eyes, is selling trinkets’. I saw the Universe in her eyes, such strength, such vision, such beauty. The planets suddenly became even more verbose than usual giving more insight into the bigger picture…
It seems clear that we are all going through an awakening or a re-awakening, as we become more aware and more awake, we are living and breathing more consciously. Every step we take and every movement or action is becoming more conscious, more precise. It is as though we are awakening from a deep slumber. We have now had time to adjust our eyes to the light and we can now see, hear, smell, taste, sense and feel more clearly and vibrantly than ever before.
Cosmic events continue to weave their merry way in the skies above us challenging us, inspiring us, empowering us. As we awaken more and more we can begin to regain a sense of perspective concerning our gifts, path ahead and soul path. Clarity and vision take on new meaning and strength as we change the energy of our thoughts and actions by making them more conscious.
It is time now for each of us to find our voices, to find our strength and to get on with what’s truly important in life. As we each work hard to make the world a better place, we realise that this comes from both within and without, for it is the changes we make within that amplify and become the changes we see without.
When we choose to live mindfully and consciously in all aspects of our lives (our work, rest, health, food etc) this impacts us on every level of our Being and it of course also impacts the collective in a hugely positive and life enhancing way. Change begins from the inside out, and whilst we all have our demons to face and challenges to bear, it is clear to see that it is possible to make even small changes even when the chips are stacked against us. How we choose to think or respond to situations would be a good example of this.
We are also being asked to explore the relationships in our lives. Perhaps the most important relationship under the cosmic spotlight is the relationship that we have with ourselves. It is time to consider how we treat ourselves on all levels; how we speak to ourselves, how we nourish ourselves, how we honour ourselves…
As we awaken more and more, we can expect to see transformation on all levels of our Being. It is time now to stop pressing the ‘doze’ button on our inner alarm clocks and wake up to enjoy the sunrise and the new day that is dawning…