Saturn has been retrograde in Libra since January 2011 and today (13th June) he finally moves direct. Moving direct, Saturn will encourage each of us to take control of our lives and focus on what is truly important. There is much work for each of us to do, and Saturn is encouraging us to roll up our sleeves and get stuck in now. The time for cogitation is over, and the time for action has come. This is not about risk taking or throwing caution to the wind, but it is about grabbing our lives with both hands and honouring our full potential.
The challenge for many of us is in making decisions, in Libra this is made even more challenging, but making decisions means being accountable, and whilst many of us have no fear in taking responsibility for our choices, it is hard to be sure that our choices are right in the first place! So indecision can lead to doubt, and doubt can lead to fear which in turn creates bigger and bigger obstacles to us moving forwards with confidence.
Many of us are full of ‘what if’s’ and ‘if only’s’ in life, and this is so restricting and limiting. If we spend our lives in fear of moving forwards and afraid of making the ‘wrong’ decisions and so end up never moving forwards or making choices; instead we end up paralysed in indecision and unable to function.
So, it is now time to face our fears head on and to believe in our ability to succeed. It is time to be more assertive and confident as we move through life, and to not be afraid of taking more responsibility for our choices in life.
This is not to say that we all need to throw caution to the wind, but it is about taking a deep breath and filling your own special space in the world. Holding back is akin to a withering flower, still alive but clinging on, living on the edge of life and death. There is no joy in living on a precipice; the way ahead may be unknown and may be full of risk, but if we want to grow and learn we have to take that decision to try.
So Saturn moving direct will certainly be an expansive time for those souls truly willing to be fully accountable, responsible and willing to take a chance on life, love and joy.
Saturn will continue to challenge each of us on many levels making us question our belief systems, our paths in life and our relationships (and our choices!). Yet, without this we are unlikely to grow, develop and evolve…
It is a time to think what we can do for both ourselves and for others, and less so what others can do for us. This is liberating and freeing, and will help each of us to take some big steps forwards in our lives.
It seems clear that if we are prepared to work with Saturn, then he will work with us and support us towards finding greater inner strength and resolve, and finally feeling like we are the masters (or mistresses!) of our own destinies…