What makes a perfect moment? What decides that the time is right for one to make a decision, to take action or to be passive?
From a planetary or astrological perspective there are lots of indications we can glean from the position of the planets at any particular time, and many people rely on this to make life-changing decisions. Indeed many monarchs, politicians and other powerful people have consulted astrologers over the years.
The planets at the moment are certainly pressing buttons for many of us, and helping us to let go of those things which are holding us back so that we can truly embrace our potential and destinies.
I came across another perfect celestial moment this week in the most unexpected of places…
Wandering around Chichester Cathedral this week, I noticed on the beautifully tiled floor in the Lady Chapel the wheel of the zodiac! Not a place one would expect to find astrological signs, but there it was none the less. For our ancestors, ‘the zodiac represented the passing of time. It was a sign of the mastery of the Divine over the past, present and future – and it represented humankinds response to the Divine ordering of the Universe’.
Zodiacs can be found in Chichester, Canterbury and Chartres cathedrals…
The Lady Chapel was a special place. In the centre of the zodiac tiles was a large lectern depicting a bird feeding it’s young. There was also a wooden carving of mother and child – it was a gentle place, yet highly energised.
Walking around the cathedral I came across a quiet little chapel – there was a single candle burning dedicated to peace in the Middle East. There were several tombs all dedicated to Sarah’s. This was the place where I chose to sit quietly, to think about the Divine, the Universe and my role within it.
I very quickly felt quite overcome, and felt totally at one with God, the planets, the stars, the Universe, humanity, the earth – everything. This one-ness gave me a feeling of expansiveness that I have rarely (if ever) felt before. I no longer felt like Sarah, I was instead part of everything and everything was part of me.
My inner sight was totally re-awakened, and my perception of a distinct me drifted away…
The following words came to me (from a deeper level than the logical mind of assessing risks and being ‘sensible’. Instead they come from a spiritual or ‘higher’ level of belief and intent).
‘Now is the time to learn to fly. Life is not simply about finding a way through the unknown (the void), it is not about getting to the other side unscathed and in one piece. It is about jumping into the unknown feet first, without hesitation, knowing that that if we believe, we can ‘fly’; we can do anything’.
Life is about service to a higher power – helping, healing and inspiring. Yet we must not forget that we are all one – therefore serving the higher power is also serving ourselves. We must therefore honour ourselves and each other.
We are all one will the Universe – and with this knowledge comes the realisation that anything IS possible. The rules are simple: intend it, believe it and it will be so. There is no room for doubt. The power of intent is a wonderful thing.
This is not about greed, power or the material, yet intent is often used for these. This is about the inner world and the abundance that we all have within.
The feelings of oneness and of losing the Self – surrendering into the sea of consciousness help each of us to become whole. From this wholeness comes stillness, from the stillness comes joy.
Contentment and joy come from within that stillness. When we are truly content in that moment, feelings of lack and longing dissipate, instead feelings of true wealth flood through. It is in those moments that we can feel truly inspired and connected to our paths of destiny, and the path ahead is clear and well lit.
The lesson is simple. Keep life simple. Keep beliefs simple. Let go of baggage on all levels – travel lightly. Keep intentions clear, trust your intuition and stay true to your Self’.
A new day has dawned, and a new awareness is emerging…
The planets are building up to a magical moment at the solstice on the 21st June – so watch this space for more information!