Here are last month’s horoscopes
You have been working very hard over recent weeks, and August is the month to slow down a little to consolidate your situation. It is a time to go with the flow a little more and to take some time out to escape from the daily drudgery of life. Do take heed of the need to go with the tide, for if you struggle against the current, you will end up tired, frustrated and in the same place you started.
You certainly seem to be driven when it comes to your work ideals, and whilst this is very admirable, this seems to be at the expense of your family and home life. Balance is key this month, so, take the hint, spend some quality time with those close to you, and have some fun – this month is all about you taking it easier and spending more time with those that matter most.
You are naturally a ‘go-getter’, so taking some time out might be against your better judgement, but once you realise that taking your foot off the accelerator actually allows you to do more, not less, you will start to relax and enjoy the ride much more. Remember the theme of bringing balance to your life, keep this in mind and you shouldn’t stray too far off course.
You are usually the one on hand to give out guidance, support and understanding to others, yet this month you are likely to be in need of a listening ear as you start to explore some new and exciting possibilities in your life. Most will be keen to offer help and support, but do be careful not to allow yourself to be swayed off track by the good (and sometimes not so good) intentions of those you confide in. Trust your intuition, and stand your ground.
August brings with it some hard work and big decisions, but neither of these are likely to come as too much of a shock. Just remember to pace yourself, and take your time. Even at the best of times, you don’t like to be rushed into things, so don’t bend to the pressure of those close – once again trust your intuition.
You are prone to self-doubt when it comes to your gifts and abilities, yet your experiences in life place you in pole position to help others. At a deep level, this type of work calls you, but your self-doubting often gets in the way as you feel that you are simply not good enough. So, now is the time to STOP doubting and start believing, you know you can do it, there is no room for false modesty now!
Get ready for the ride in August, life reaches a turning point and you will be faced with some very big decisions about your future. This may sound a little ominous, but in fact, the trend is overwhelmingly positive. Try to embrace this change to make the transition much easier – at some level you have been aware of the subtle undercurrents of transformation that have been bubbling under the surface over recent months, but you have been unable to pinpoint exactly what was involved, until now that is, when the bubbles will start to break through to the surface and start to flow in one, very positive, direction.
This may feel quite frenetic and chaotic, but try not to be swept along with the current, as you would benefit from keeping a cool head to handle making quick decisions and acting decisively when opportunity comes knocking. There is not much room for procrastination and naval gazing in August!
You are naturally quite a people person, and love nothing better than interacting with others. However, you would benefit from becoming more aware of your effect on those close to you as you have been quite demanding lately. This is not a selfish thing, as in many ways it’s quite subconscious – but now you are aware of it, hopefully you can achieve a greater sense of balance in your interactions.
The good news is that August looks set to be a month of relative tranquillity and calm. The pressure you have been under recently starts to ease, and you feel able to take a big deep breath and relax. In fact, the further you can step back from your life, the clearer the overall picture will become. Seeing your life from a whole new perspective will allow you to make some tweaks and adjustments to your plans in order to clear the path ahead for some time to come.
One thing that is important for you this month is a need to stay true to your Self. Sometimes your fear of feeling vulnerable pushes you towards bending yourself out of shape to accommodate the needs and wishes of others. This might be sustainable in the short term, but over time you are likely to end up feeling resentful and frustrated. So, try to stop playing a role or being the person that others want you to be, and start being yourself.
Listening is a vital trait to master this month, as you need to listen carefully to what others are saying. Assumptions and misconceptions are likely to get you into a whole heap of trouble. So listen to the words, and don’t hear bits and pieces and then draw your own conclusions. You have been warned…
August brings with it a need for more flexibility in your life and in your attitudes. You are a natural leader, and sometimes your need for order and control can overstep the mark. You might always think that you know best, but when it comes to the lives and decisions of others, you need to let them play a role and make some choices of their own, however much you might not agree with them. You need to accept change and honour the choices that others make – this is not about you walking away or giving up, but simply slackening the reigns a little.
There is a strong sense of change around you at the moment and this seems to involve a major decision about your life path. Remember to trust your intuition about what will and won’t work in your life, and also remember to let things develop naturally and at their own pace. Trying to force things at this stage could end up backfiring on you in a big way. So, cultivate the art of patience and you will reduce your stress levels greatly.
These two key lessons of patience and tolerance will allow you to develop much stronger bonds with those close to you. You will begin to see the disadvantages of ruling with an iron fist, and start to relax and enjoy the process of life once again.
August looks set to be another busy month for Virgoans. You are certainly in demand, and at times you are likely to feel that you are being pulled in a multitude of different directions at the same time. Remember though, that as much as you might want to do it all, sometimes you have to prioritise and set more realistic targets for yourself. You need to avoid getting caught up in the stress and chaos of other people’s demands and needs, otherwise you are likely to end up feeling overwhelmed. So, stay true to yourself and your needs, use your organisational skills and reset the pace to something much more manageable. It might take some effort, but you will be pleased you made the effort.
Your Ruler Mercury whizzes into your sign on the 2nd and whizzes out again on the 25th, this has a galvanising effect on your mind as your ability to think quickly with great clarity is honed to new levels. This will come in very useful as the month progresses as you are likely to have a big decision to make…
You are quite an intellectual at heart, and love to have meaningful conversations with those close. However, you are becoming aware of a gap between where you are and where you want to be – try to resolve this before a crevice appears…
‘Be Prepared’ is your motto for August. The reason might not be clear yet, but there is a need to be highly organised in August, as you are likely to find that the pace of life increases considerably. In addition, you might discover an opportunity to get away from it all on your own little adventure, and so be ready for possible far-flung travel and a journey into the unknown. This may not mean tropical shores, but it could mean a new adventure with your work or with your life plans.
One thing’s for sure though, and that is you will be in just the right place at the right time. You will be heard, your ideas will take shape, and you will receive all the necessary guidance and support you might need with relatively little effort on your part.
August seems to be a major turning point in your life. Decisions have been made and the path ahead looks bright, rosy and clear. You are in the driving seat of your life now, and your appointment with destiny looks set to be an amazing opportunity to take your life into a whole new dimension. Don’t spoil things with self-doubting or indecision, stick to the plan (you know that one that has been churning and turning around your mind for months) and enjoy the ride!
Indecision and self-doubting are not usually your trademark traits, but you have been dithering and cogitating rather a lot lately, particularly in connection to your career and life goals. This is because you have been carrying a lot of responsibility and you have not felt able to be your normally much more free-spirited self. You have felt a little trapped or claustrophobic and this has started to overwhelm you.
The good news is that your free spirit will start to re-emerge over the coming weeks, as your creativity will allow you to think outside of the box in order for you to find a positive solution to reducing the pressure and responsibility you have been carrying. It is not that you want to shirk the responsibility, but you know that unless the pressure is taken off you at least a little, then you are likely to walk away completely. So, speak up if you can, and trust your instincts.
This more decisive – ‘all or nothing’ – you will also appear in your relationships as you start to re-discover your wants and needs in your interactions. You are not one to settle for second best, to put up with game playing (unless you are the player!) or to avoid speaking your mind, so grab the bull by the horns and take some control once again.
August is a month of consolidation for you – it is time to finally bring together the many different strings of your bow to decide which ones are truly important to your future and which ones are more of a distraction than anything else. You may be surprised at the result, but do try to let go of those things that no longer serve you so you can move forwards in a positive and uplifting way.
It is important to stay true to your Self this month, as you will need to develop a more health/Self conscious approach to your life. That is, looking after your own well-being and destiny, and finding your own unique philosophy that feeds your expansive spirit, your inquisitive mind and your creative aspirations.
August is a month of far-reaching positive developments in your life, but you need to be more in control if you are to make the most of these. You may seem to drift through life by the seat of your pants, grabbing opportunities and getting by on luck, but the reality is that this requires huge amounts of energy. Have you considered that you are likely to achieve just as much by slowing things down a little, doing some research, spending some time planning and then channelling your energy in better ways? Food for thought…
You have been feeling somewhat confused when it comes to your future and how you want to spend the rest of your life. It may be true that there are some elements of your life that are bringing you a huge amount of joy and contentment, but there is a bit of a vacuum when it comes to your ambitions. August brings you an opportunity to take a big long look at yourself and your life, to see exactly what you dream of doing.
Dreams are not something you often focus on, for you are too practical and realistic for fantasy. But take some time to consider the possibility that one of your dreams is no longer fantasy – it is within your grasp…
Now is the time to start developing at least one of the ideas that has been floating around in your head for a while now. You need to stop thinking and start doing in order to develop the idea into something workable and achievable. August is not a month to sell yourself short or to underestimate your abilities, so give yourself a much-needed kick up the posterior to fire up your creative and practical abilities once again. Trust that help and support will come when you need it, and avoid getting stuck in the details. Keep your goal in focus, and go for it!
You have been enjoying the ride this year as your horizons have expanded and your belief in yourself and your abilities has soared. This looks set to continue, but underneath there is a need for you to find a little stability now. It is almost like you need to develop some roots again, as you are starting to feel a little ungrounded and unsettled. Once you can establish this again in your life, then you will feel able to reach out in the world once again and continue the ride of a lifetime.
You would be forgiven for thinking that you are invincible as everything has been falling into place for you, but don’t get complacent otherwise you might start to overstretch yourself and push your abilities a little out of your comfort zone. This carries a risk that you will come unstuck and come crashing back down to earth, undoing much of your hard work this year. So keep it real, keep your dreams in focus and you look set to make good progress over the coming weeks.
So, developing roots and realism are your two key areas to develop this month. Try not to think of these as mundane and boring, and certainly don’t see them as anchors holding you back. Instead see them as bridges to a whole new world of opportunity and contentment.
Life has been something of an uphill struggle for you lately, as you have struggled to find clarity about your goals and path ahead. This is mainly down to a distinct lack of energy due to you giving so much of yourself to helping others. This is admirable, but you have depleted your own reserves as a result. August brings you a chance to re-charge your batteries and to take some much-needed time out to get your own life back into focus. You are unlikely to ever stop giving and helping others, but August is a month to prioritise your own needs and dreams, and to enrich your own life once again.
Try to take things a day at a time, and remember to listen to your deeper, intuitive Self for guidance on a regular basis. Whilst on the surface, your life might feel chaotic, if you stop and look within, you will see that the waters are much calmer and more peaceful that you might think. So, when the seas get stormy or choppy around you, know that within you is a pool of tranquillity and peace. This is your special place for retreat, re-charge and reflection; and it is here that you can access your intuition and great sense of instinct to guide you forwards, one step at a time.