Strange heading I know, but it seemed to fit with the inherent madness in the air at the moment. There seem to be a few reasons for this.
Firstly, we are betwixt two Full Moons this month – the second one (a blue moon) is on New Year’s Eve with a Lunar Eclipse to spice things up. Whilst the eclipse is not likely to be a visual spectacular, its presence will most certainly be felt. This in-between time feels very emotional and overwhelming.
The Full Moon on the 31st is in Cancer, which explains the whirlpool of emotions and the feelings of vulnerability – a sense that our most deepest fears are surfacing now for each of us to see (and everyone else for that matter). I was once told about a dream where a woman was standing alone in a massive group of people and realising that whilst all around were fully clothed, she was stark naked!
This feels very much in-line with this lunar energy, as our innermost and deeply personal issues are coming in to our awareness. There is a point to this, and that is to enable us to finally let go of the fear, and embrace ourselves wholly and completely as we are. There is no room to hide anymore – we need to be upfront and open about ourselves – warts and all!
It is time to let go of shame, anger, guilt, grief and other constricting emotions – it is important to express and honour these, but it is unhealthy to cling onto them through fear or as a way of avoiding moving forwards.
Amongst the lunar emotional roller coaster, the Sacred Dance between Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter is as active as ever (hence the Cosmic Boogie Woogie!) and this is stirring up a great – almost overwhelming – sense of healing on a deep and quite profound level.
These three planets have been dancing around one another for most of this year, and this has brought up a great many issues for each of us to face and overcome. Yet on a deeper level, we end the year feeling closer to Spirit and more aware of both our personal and collective destinies. There has been a shift in awareness, and a great many of us are now more confident about our paths ahead.
There is a sense of hope and joy that the wheel of the year will soon turn again at the Winter Solstice, bringing more Light into all of our lives. Celebrate the Solstice, and honour the Sun and life giver. Honour that Light that shines within us all, and let it shine brightly.
Just before the Solstice, Mars moves retrograde and this will focus our attentions within, to find the strength and power that resides there. Mars wants us to stand on our own two feet, and to have the courage of our convictions, and to follow our dreams…
So, there is a lot going on! Remember though, that this is a time to be empowered, a time to have faith and confidence in our gifts and in our Selves, and, maybe most importantly, a time to have Faith and trust in the Divine…