Like The Phoenix Rising…

August looks set to be a month of deeper and deeper introspection as retrograde Neptune moves back into Aquarius, Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo (and then back into Leo), retrograde Ceres enters Pisces and Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus at the end of the month. Top this off with Pluto, Pallas Athene, Vesta, Chiron, Pluto and Uranus all retrograde all month, it is clear to see why there is such a strong focus within.

However, inner work does not have to mean stifling, heavy, tiresome drudgery, it can be liberating, empowering and illuminating; and this is the focus now. It is time for each of us to move beyond the light and beyond the darkness to a place of inner knowing. This is a place where we are not afraid to honour every aspect of our Beings, and a place where we can surrender more and more to the abundance of the Universe.

How we think is really important now, for our thoughts shape our lives. Retrograde Mercury will ensure that we do consider our thoughts and he will inspire us to start thinking is more life affirming and life enhancing ways. It is a choice though, and we can choose to stay as we are, but it seems like a wasted opportunity if we do not at least explore this brave new world that we are being shown now…

So, with all of this inner focus, it seems clear that we might be feeling a little overwhelmed with life at the moment! Yet, at the same time, through the heaviness, if we can connect to this place of inner knowing, we will realise that there is nothing to fear, nothing to feel overwhelmed by. Whilst many of us may be facing some of our biggest challenges at the current time, these challenges are bringing to the surface strength, resolve, focus, faith and belief. Of course, these have always been there, but it is often in those times of need that we dig deeply within to seek out solutions and answers.

We can choose to feel dis-empowered or we can become empowered, inspired and enlightened. It seems right to quote Friedrich Nietzsche: ‘what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger’.

This may sound a tad over-dramatic, but we are going through a shedding process now, like a snake and its skin, we are letting go of our old selves in order to be re-born…