Ceres moved retrograde on the 28th April. Cuddled up to Pluto (also retrograde) in Capricorn, this powerful conjunction is likely to send some powerful shockwaves into our lives.
A planet in retrograde takes the celestial energy within, and Ceres (the Earth Goddess) is strongly connected to each of us nurturing and nourishing ourselves on every level of our Being. This is vital for our well-being, but how many of us actually look after ourselves that well? Some may treat the body as a temple eating well and exercising often, some may meditate and tend the gardens of their minds with love and care, and some may find ways to release stress, anger and other strong destructive emotions on a regular basis. But how many of us do all of these things?
Pluto is the transformer, and in his current retrograde phase is asking each of us to honour the wholeness within – the dark and the light. In addition, he is the catalyst for each of us to become at one with ourselves and our natures bringing about endings and beginnings in our lives in order to moves forwards with those things that truly matter. Pluto wants us to let go of self-doubt and to take charge of our lives, he wants us to de-clutter our lives and connect to the core of our Beings in order to gain clarity about our unique purposes and paths ahead.
This powerful combination of Ceres and Pluto looks set to push each of us towards living more holistically and in touch with our true Selves. It is only then that we can truly reach out and help others and make a difference.
Ceres is asking each of us to honour and nurture ourselves on every level and to take the necessary steps in our lives to create the Inner Utopia we each need in order to fulfil our potential and achieve our dreams.
So, now is the time to look after number one for a while, to eat well, to get the work / life balance right and to re-focus on our priorities. At the same time, the more we accept and embrace the completeness of who we are, the more natural this whole process will become.
This all might seem a little daunting, but surely the only true way to enlightenment is to nurture our souls, to love our bodies and honour our Selves?