Spending another day looking out over nature’s beautiful canvas, carpeted in pure white, I once again feel energised and enlivened. Snow has that effect on me. Before last year I had not seen much snow (apart from a few days when living in the Scottish Highlands) for a great many years.
It is all too easy to stress and moan that the roads are inaccessible and the country has come to a standstill, but does that stressing and moaning actually make a difference? I think not. It is hard to see people suffering, and no one would wish that, but at the same time the stress won’t actually achieve anything, other than more stress.
Someone once told me the story of two people who took a car journey (both as passengers with similar window views) through a mountain pass. On reaching the other side one said ‘wow that scenery was beautiful, from the lush green grass in the valley to the snow capped peaks, I feel blessed to have seen such a sight, I feel so alive and so exhilarated’, the second one said ‘I am so relieved that is over, those bumps in the road shock every bone in my body…’
I guess it’s all a matter of perception…