Looking back on 2011, there are likely to be parts which are a blur, partly because life happened so quickly, but also because everything seemed to happen at the same time! Yet, here you are in 2012, more self-aware, more awakened and more confident than ever before. It seems that your process of transformation has enabled you to reclaim both your sense of Self and your power, in order to give you a clearer perspective when it comes to your path ahead; you now know what you want and have a pretty good idea of how to get it!
2012 looks set to begin on a gentle and nurturing note as you see the need to take better care of yourself on all levels of your Being. It seems that you have been burning the candle at both ends for quite some time, but the need has come for you to find a stronger sense of balance in your life. In other words, you need to find room for work, rest, play and contemplation now in order to make the most of your life as you move forward. This balance will help you to stay focused when it comes to your true priorities in life (which look set to shift as the year progresses), and it will also help you to tap into the strength, passion and creativity within you.
Listening to your in-built guidance system continues to grow in importance in your life, and allowing your intuition to guide you enables you to make the most of the cosmic ebbs and flows. At the same time, learning the art of patience would serve you well! It seems that the time has come to ride the crest of the waves of life rather than simply diving in head first…
As 2012 progresses, there is a strong theme of personal empowerment, enrichment and pure joy emerging in your life. Your dreams seem to be in clearer focus as you look set to expand your horizons in all aspects of your life; everything somehow seems more possible and more achievable. At the same time, you look set to become more connected to the magic of the Universe as you embrace a whole new way of being…
Your key theme for 2012: Bliss
2012 looks set to begin in a deeply contemplative and reflective space as you begin to connect to your inner landscape in a much more pronounced way. It seems that even though you have been undergoing much inner shift and transformation, you have been more of an observer than a participant! The time has now come to immerse yourself fully into the process and to surrender to the flow of your life. In other words, it seems that you need to become actively involved in living your Truth, rather than being aware of it and keeping it safely ‘parked’ in a recess deep within. Of course, making this a reality is somewhat harder in practice, but you have been working towards this day for so long, and the time is now fast approaching for you to either embrace your Truth or to set it free…
Self-belief is perhaps your biggest theme over the coming weeks and months as you look set to realise just how important you actually are in the scheme of things! This is not ego-based or big-headed in any way; it is simply a statement of fact! You are a significant and vital cog in the wheel of life, and your gifts and talents are needed; it is time to embrace your full potential and take these gifts out into the world. So, 2012 looks set to be a year of huge shift for you as you move from being hesitantly cautious about your gifts and your path ahead, to becoming self-assured and confident as you boldly take some new steps forward.
As you continue to ‘awaken’ and take full ownership of your life and your gifts, it seems that you will begin to see just how much your thoughts shape your life! You are the captain of your own ship when it comes to deciding your true priorities, and it seems that these priorities are changing as you continue to shift within! A rich inner world, true abundance and pure bliss look set to become your main goals as the details somehow become less important; it is as though you are focusing on the desired goals and allowing the Universe to fill in the details. This is an amazing and life-enhancing place to be…
Your key theme for 2012: Trust
It may be hard for you to believe that 2011 is actually over, life has been a whirlwind, and you would be forgiven for losing connection with reality at times as your feet have been lifted off the ground on numerous occasions! Some days you felt clarity, whilst other days you felt lost in thick fog, so you may feel a sense of relief that 2011 is now over. Yet, throughout this somewhat tumultuous time you have grown, and your sense of Self has become much stronger. Of course, with you being you, you want to understand the mechanics and the workings of this, but this is not a time to allow your mind to dissect and pull apart. Instead, this is a time to honour the process and to focus very firmly on what’s next.
As one of life’s thinkers and philosophers, it can be hard for you to surrender to the flow of life. At the same time, you can find it hard to trust the flow of life, for that means moving beyond mind and allowing your Self to simply be! Sometimes life is not about analysis, sometimes it is about being, and going with the flow. You are an amazing soul with a plethora of talents, and 2012 is the year for you to shine! You already know your strengths, but these seem clouded in self-doubt and uncertainty as you sit back and wait for a deeper understanding of these gifts before you act upon them. Life is for living and it is not a rehearsal! It seems that this is the year for you to step from the shadows and show the world just how amazing you actually are.
You are unique and special, and in some ways you have often thought of these as challenges or hindrances rather than something to celebrate. Yet you are different, you were not born to be a part of the flock, you were born to stand out. It is this quality that sets you apart and it is this quality that seems destined to form the crux of your path ahead now. So, rather than spending all of your time pondering and probing the meaning of life, remember to get out there and live it as well! This may sound light hearted, but it seems that your mind is both your biggest gift and your biggest challenge, and 2012 is the year for you to set yourself free and use your mind in positive, life-enhancing and life-enriching ways.
Your key theme for 2012: Embracing the Moment
2012 looks set to be a year of positive, forward movement as you grasp the nettle and make some important decisions as to your true priorities in life. In seems that you have been treading water for some time now, feeling restless, but not having the clear vision or confidence to do much about it. Yet, as you move into the New Year, a wave of clarity and focus looks set to flow into your life to inspire you to take some big steps forward. It is finally time to let go of doubt, uncertainty and ‘what ifs’ in order to embrace a brand new chapter of your life with positivity and confidence.
It can be hard for you to let go of uncertainty, for this keeps you with the familiar in your life, and you do gain a sense of comfort from this. At the end of the day though, only you can decide whether to stick with what you know or to step towards pastures new, but you do need to make a choice, for hovering in indecision and uncertainty is draining! Life never carries a guarantee and stepping into the unknown is uncertain and not without risk, but then again, nothing in life is without risk, even staying where you are now. So, you need to decide what your goals are and start believing in yourself and your gifts in order to make the most of this brand new day!
2012 certainly looks set to be a year of shift for you; both within and without in your life. As your focus and perspective changes, the simpler things in life grow in importance as you realise that it is not the trappings of a 21st century material life that appeal to you (although they soothe the way!), but it is meaning, purpose and joy that you want and this comes via your perspective, your thoughts and your expectations. This is a significant and important realisation, for it takes you from being a slave to the modern world to a place of inner freedom. Whilst you still need to provide for yourself and your family, with such a radical shift in focus, life looks set to move towards an easier flow and you begin to let go of worry, fear and uncertainty…
Your key theme for 2012: Freedom
2012 looks set to be a year of revelation, adventure, self-discovery and awakening for you. In many ways, you moved through 2011 in a kind of auto-pilot, you did everything you needed to do in order to get by, but you felt in no-man’s land; not quite engaged in your life and unable to fully connect to your goals. Being stuck between here and there, or there and here, was a source of constant frustration for you, but it was an important lesson in patience! The main lesson was much more profound that this though, for it seems that during this ‘waiting’ time, your perspective shifted and you began to connect with a new direction in your life. So, this waiting time was not a waste, but a blessing heavily disguised, for you now know your Self much better as a result!
Of course, the downside of being stuck in stasis is that you can feel disempowered and disenchanted, but the good news is that 2012 looks set to re-empower you and re-enchant you to embrace a brand new direction, pace and flow in life. The winds of change begin to gather momentum from the first few seconds of 2012 and continue to build from there. Your perception and your beliefs are key though, for you need to be open to change in order to make the most of this amazing time. At the same time, the more you realise that your thoughts shape your life, and that many of the limitations and obstacles you face are of your own making, then you can transform your life from the inside, out. It seems that 2012 is a year to let go of everything that holds you back in order to embrace the full glory and joy of being you.
As the weeks and months progress, it seems that the more you tap into that vast pool of potential and strength that lies within you, the more magic and abundance you can attract into your life. You are an integral part of the Universe; it is within you and a part of you, and the more you can connect to, and feel, the power and magnitude of this, then the more you can relax into the flow of a life-enhancing and positive year…
Your key theme for 2012: Transformation
‘Keeping on, keeping on’ is one of your long held motto’s in life, you spend a great deal of time keeping on, and even more time keeping on with that! In other words, it seems that you can become so focused on the details of life, that you can lose sight of the bigger picture – or your dreams! In some ways, in a mind-bending TARDIS type scenario, the details actually become bigger than the whole and you can find yourself lost and in a state of abject confusion! However, all is not lost as you will soon see how you can use this to your advantage in life and embrace a brand new way of being.
2012 looks set to be a year of shift on all levels of your life as you begin to realise that life does not have to simply be about ‘keeping on’; you can inject some passion, colour, magic and sparkle and still make wonderful progress. It seems that the time has come for you to step back out of the mind-bending details in order to regain your perspective when it comes to your dreams and goals. Whilst you are still moving in the right direction, you have become so caught up in the details that you would be forgiven for forgetting what it is that you are actually heading towards!
So, as your perspective regains its focus, you look set to begin untangling the complexities of your life and realising that you are the main orchestrator of all of this! It’s not that you are keen to self-sabotage, but you tie yourself up in a tangle of ‘should’s’, ‘ought’s’, ‘want’s’ and ‘maybe’s’ and forget if you are coming, going or are lost somewhere in-between. Simplifying your life seems to be a key priority for you in 2012; this is not about letting go of dreams or goals, quite the opposite in fact! It is about letting go of all that clutter – both within and without in your life – in order to have the freedom, clarity and power to reach towards those dreams with vision and purpose. The more you set free, the more you look set to shift from a mind-bending place of confusion to a place of joy, reassurance and certainty.
Your key theme for 2012: Letting Go
2011 has been a year of contrast for you; there have been up’s, there have been down’s and there has been loads of ‘middle of the road’. In some ways you have become stuck in a cycle that has prevented you from seeing the bigger picture of your life. Your mind has been a key player in this, for there have been times when you have been strongly focused on what you do not want from your life, and this has attracted more of this into your life. Yet, there have also been times when you have focused solely on what you do want from your life, and you have attracted more of this instead! The lesson here may seem obvious and straightforward, but it has taken you a while to fully grasp the nettle when it comes to believing in the power of your mind!
2012 looks set to be the year when you tap into that powerful mind of yours and begin to reclaim your sense of Self, your sense of purpose and your true destiny. Abundance and joy are yours for embracing, but you need to move beyond the limitations that you place on yourself in order to fully step into the power and energy of this. Whilst you are a world class thinker, life is for living, not for thinking about! The time has come for you to feel the power of your visualisations and your dreams, and to move beyond doubt to a place of knowing that you are now manifesting these dreams into reality.
Letting go of self-doubt and embracing your dreams isn’t easy, but remaining frozen in indecision or uncertainty leaves you feeling disempowered and frustrated. Of course, deep down you may want to remain as you are, for it is familiar, and even though it is not quite the place you would choose to be in life, you are used to it. Whoa! Remember, your thoughts create your reality! How disempowering is it to remain disengaged and frustrated simply because it is how you are used to feeling?! It is time to radically transform your inner dialogue and to embrace a new way of thinking and being. This is a time to start looking at your life from a completely different and empowering perspective, and allowing your Self to shine like the true star you are…
Your key theme for 2012: Embracing your true magnificence
Simplicity is the name of the game in 2012! This might sound or feel like something of an anti-climax, but it is truly amazing and life-enhancing! You spent most of 2011 trying to squeeze in as much as possible: to keep hold of every dream, of every idea and to avoid missing out on anything at all. Whilst this is human nature, it is perhaps super-human to be able to achieve all of this and still have the time to actually enjoy the process. It seems that you have become so wrapped up in trying to do everything that the magic, fluidity and sparkle drizzled away. So, for you, less is definitely more!
Simplicity is something to celebrate, for it suggests a time of letting go of the plethora of clutter that you have accumulated, and instead being free to embrace your true goals and priorities in life. Setting your Self free in so many ways looks set to be liberating, empowering and life affirming! Of course, the challenge comes in deciding what to let go of, but allow your intuition to guide you forward, and you will know. Life can be complicated, and responsibility can weigh heavily on your shoulders, but it is important to achieve a balance between carrying such responsibility and giving yourself the freedom to breathe and to follow your own path.
2012 looks set to be a year of revelation and awakening for you as you begin to cut back on the complexities of your life and begin to realise that, on the whole, you are the one responsible for putting so much pressure on your shoulders! You may be gifted and special, but you simply cannot do everything all of the time. Give yourself a break and stop being so hard on your Self. At the same time, it is important not to ‘wait’ for things or events to happen before you give yourself the freedom and space that you crave so deeply; for life is for living, and you never know what may be around the next corner. In other words, embrace the moment! Only you can know how to juggle freedom and responsibility, but it seems clear that this is a year for you to transform your life on every level of your existence…
Your key theme for 2012: Simplicity!
2011 turned out to be something of a mixed ‘bag’ for you as you had some amazing ‘ups’ but some challenging ‘down’s, yet here you are in 2012! You have made it through a time of great shift and change which has occurred on every level of your Being. It seems that you are now more connected to your sense of Self than ever before; you seem fully awoken and your consciousness has expanded immeasurably. On some level, you can’t help but wonder what lies around the next corner: an up or a down, but in some ways it doesn’t matter! What matters are your perspective, and your new found ability to tap into that immense pool of strength that lies within you that both inspires and empowers you, to find creative solutions to keep on moving forward whatever the weather!
Of course, this does not mean that you should expect a challenging 2012, for in many ways it looks set to be a year of positive forward progression. What is important though is the need to embrace the present moment more and to stop wondering what lies ahead a little less. This is not to say you should stop dreaming or planning, but living in the moment allows you to make the very most of your life. You are an amazing, talented, gifted and intelligent soul, and those ‘downs’ in life have tempered this somewhat. Yet, this is your year to re-emerge from the shadows feeling more confident and empowered than ever before.
This is a year to embrace the full meaning of the law of attraction; to create the life of your dreams by believing, and to live the life of your dreams by being and doing. Your thoughts do shape your life, and your thoughts have little or no boundaries, so what are you waiting for? There is magic in the air as you now have the opportunity to transform your life and to make your dreams a reality. It is a year to speak, live and be your ‘Truth’; to follow your heart and to believe that you absolutely do have ‘what it takes’ to succeed. Only the limitations of your beliefs stop you now from reaching towards pastures new and embracing a whole new way of living, being, breathing and thriving…
Your key theme for 2012: Passion
2011 has been a year of revelation and discovery for you, particularly when it comes to your sense of Self and to your purpose in life. As you progressed through the year, you began to re-climb the mountain of your life in order to look down from high to survey the progress you have made and to make some decisions about what to do next. You have had some times of uncertainty and indecision, but you have also had times of lucidity and vision; you have ‘touched’ your purpose and now want more of the same! You know when you are in touch with your destiny, for you feel all warm and fuzzy within, your hearts sings, and you feel vibrant and alive!
As you step into 2012, it seems that discovering and living your purpose takes priority. Most things in life have a purpose: a pen writes, a hammer knock’s in nails and a radiator emanates heat. Finding your own purpose may not be as clear cut as this, but it seems that finding it will enable you to live the best life possible with purpose and clarity. There have been times when you have forgotten or lost sight of your purpose, and there have been times when you have felt like there is no purpose, yet deep within you, you have not given up the search. 2012 looks set to be the year when you finally find a sense of knowing, peace and certainty when it comes to your purpose in life.
Perhaps the biggest piece of advice here is to stop looking outside of yourself for the answer; for the answer is within you, it is you! External things may comfort you and make you feel better, but the key to feeling a true sense of purpose, meaning and completion is to find this from within. You are a powerful, magnificent and amazing soul, and it is important to realise that you are infinite potential. In other words, you define yourself and your path, and your expectations and limitations shape what comes next. It is therefore up to you to take back your pioneering spirit and to reclaim your passion and zest for life. Your life is in your hands, and it is time now to move beyond uncertainty, to realise your full power, to believe in yourself and to embrace the full magic and sparkle of your destiny.
Your key theme for 2012: Belief
There can be no denying that 2011 was a year of challenge, discovery and more challenge for you! You have gone deeply within and touched the doubt and confusion that resides there, but you have touched the glory and the joy as well. The doubts have been a little corrosive though and you may have felt quite powerless at times. However, despite this, you have found out a great deal about yourself, and you have got to know your True Self. Your true priorities have surfaced and you have let go of a great deal of ‘clutter’ that you have carried for years. As you step into 2012, you do so freer and stronger than ever before; and you seem more awakened and connected to your life and to your destiny.
As your time of awakening continues throughout the coming year, it seems that you are beginning to realise just how much your beliefs and your thoughts actually shape your life. When the going gets tough and your thoughts get heavy, you attract more of the same into your life. When you feel bright and positive, life flows easier, with less resistance. Of course, knowing this is one thing, doing something about it is quite another! Yet, if there is one thing that you do have control over in your life, it’s your thoughts; so is it really that hard to find a way to shift your perspective towards a more enriched and life enhancing way of being?
This is your year to completely re-structure your thoughts and your life. You may feel that your life needs to change before your thoughts can shift, but this change starts within, and this starts with your thoughts! The more in-tune with your thoughts that you become, and the more you shape them in positive ways, the quicker you look set to free yourself to embrace your destiny with bliss in your soul, joy in your heart and love deep within. 2012 looks set to be a year of transformation on every level of your Being, and how much you embrace this is really up to you. There are decisions to make and new paths to explore, and there is a strong sense that the flow of your life will be enriching and abundant. Therefore the key to making the most of this amazing time is to be fully, totally and truly open to it…
Your key theme for 2012: Awakening
As the last sign of the zodiac, it always feels a little sad that Pisces takes this position. Is it possible that, as a result of this last place listing, subconsciously you feel at the ‘bottom of the heap’ when it comes to life? Hopefully not, but it does seem like you have been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders throughout 2011. Life has felt heavy and duty-bound, and there seems to have been little room for freedom and self-discovery; yet, you do seem to be stepping into 2012 more focused, stronger and empowered than ever before, so something must have gone right!
Burden and duty is something of a recurring theme in your life! Yet you do have a choice: you can continue to willingly take on responsibility or you can stop. Life is not always as easy, but at the end of the day, you do have a choice! Perhaps you need to explore the reasons why you carry so much burden, do you carry it to avoid embracing freedom as you are uncertain as to where this may take you? This is unlikely to be a conscious choice, but responsibility keeps you in the familiar, so where would you be without it? Perhaps ponder this question for a while…
This conundrum aside, it seems that 2012 is a year for you to realise and release your own power and to embrace more space in your life and in your Self. You are a talented, gifted and beautiful soul and you have so much to offer the world. As the weeks and months progress, it seem clear that however you decide to handle ‘burden’, life presents you with some amazing opportunities which look set to transform and enrich your life for years to come. Do remember that you are a powerful soul; you are not rudderless, and even though you are a watery fish, you do not drift with the ebb and flow of the tide! The time has come to steer your ship towards new shores and to live the very best life that you can live; it is the only one you have at the present moment after all! Life is not a rehearsal, and 2012 looks set to be a year of empowerment and inspiration as you tap into your full potential and step towards your dreams….
Your key theme for 2012: Free Will