I Am Infinite Potential

Mighty Jupiter moves direct today, the 18th November, joining Venus who also moves direct on this date.

Jupiter’s role in retrograde over recent months has taken our attention within and turned our focus to the abundance that resides there. We have each had the opportunity to explore our full potential and to realise just how much we do have in life. We have been asked to give gratitude and thanks for what we have, and made to realise that true abundance lies within. When we live an enriched and full life, we feel complete. Money helps obviously, but it is not the be all and end all.

It has been a challenging summer, and a time where confusion has reigned supreme! On one hand there has been a strong surge of forwards moving energy seeking action and movement in life, but on the other hand, life has felt like walking through treacle, and the going has been wearing and tough.

We have had time to celebrate the abundance in our lives and to feel truly blessed by this. This summer was a time to seek enrichment and the attainment of joy; placing our focus on the positive to create an ever growing flow of positivity and abundance in our lives.

Jupiter has helped us to tune in to our inner resources of strength and self-belief, to bring our dreams alive and to see just how much abundance we have. The more we have focused on this, the richer we have become emotionally, spiritually, physically and psychologically…

Jupiter challenged us to go within, to let go of our fears, to find our inner strength, to listen to Spirit and to follow our destiny. Each of us has been asked to find our centre, and to tap into that vast inner well of love, compassion and strength.

Jupiter asked us not to be afraid to let the world see the core of who we are, and to realise that we are all here for a reason. That reason is already becoming clearer, and we will soon be asked to step into the unknown; into infinity and beyond, to realise our full potential. There is a choice though; the alternative is to stay put, to not take that risk, to avoid jumping into the spiritual watery depths of the unknown feet first.

The unknown is scary, and we need to have faith and self-belief to trust that we will be taken care of. There are, sadly no guarantees, but when in a place of trust and Truth, we can face challenges easier and we can deal with setbacks easier. When in a place of trust and Truth we can go with the flow and gain a clearer perspective allowing each of us to make the most of the opportunities that life presents us.

Jupiter moving direct brings all we have learnt into the physical, making this a time of manifestation, intention and evolution. The more centred we can remain within and the more we can have faith and self-belief, the more we can manifest joy, abundance and love in our lives and in the lives of others.

There is a strong theme now of honouring ourselves and believing that when we follow our true paths in life that our needs will be taken care of. So many healers, spiritual workers and other enlightened souls are kept firmly in the mundane through the need of making ends meet or poverty consciousness, that the flow of abundance, joy and positivity available to us becomes restricted. It is now time to realise that through belief and intent it is possible to live freely and in accordance with our soul’s desires.

This is best summed up by one of my favourite quotes by Rumi ‘When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.’ It is time now to live and breathe from our souls, and to follow our destinies. Not an easy path, but an important one. For the more we ignore the calling of our soul’s, the more disconnected we become from Source. This ironically, takes us even further away from our soul’s essence. It is time now to become One with all aspects of our Beings and to grab a boat and set sail on that river Rumi mentions that is moving within you. This is the route to pure joy.

It is important to know that we are all infinite potential, and it might help once again to start re-affirming this on a regular basis (and truly believing it).

‘I am infinite potential’.